Interview and audition guidance

for BA (Hons) Acting for Stage & Screen

If you hold a conditional offer, you will need to complete an audition. This can be done at the Open Day or via Skype, and all the information you need to know is below.

The Audition has 3 parts:

1)    Interview 

We’ll ask you to tell us about yourself and why you’d like to study acting for stage and screen at Regent’s. You will also have an opportunity to ask us questions about studying on this programme.

2) Audition Piece 1 

Memorise and present your chosen piece from a play in English. It can be selected from a play from another culture and in another language (e.g. Moliere, Cervantes), but it must be readily available internationally in an English translation.

Read the play and be prepared to discuss it. In preparing your speech, consider who your character is, where the character is, what happened before this monologue, what they want, how they are trying to get what they want and what they want to communicate through their story. We will discuss your character choices with you at audition.

3)    Audition Piece 2 - Filmed Submission

Please bring to your audition EITHER a short filmed monologue that incorporates some movement OR a brief 2 person extract from a screenplay, NOT a play text. We expect to be able to watch it with you during your audition and discuss your performance choices. The BBC Writer’s Room Library is a free script service that allows you to browse through film and TV scripts online, and is a great way to find appropriate scenes for this submission.

Rules for Self-Taping

  • It’s really helpful if you have an actor friend to read opposite you, preferably of the correct gender for the role. Have them sit/stand next to the camera so that your eye line is in the right place close to the lens.
  • In a 2-person scene, your “reader” will be nearer the camera than you, so remember to instruct them to use a lower voice than they might usually, or they will be considerably louder than you in the final audition tape.
  • Don’t look directly into the camera. Keep your eye line just to the left or right of the camera (where your scene partner is sitting/standing
  • Please try to have the camera at eye level – using a webcam on a laptop can create an especially unflattering angle so raise the laptop to eye level.
  • If shooting on mobile device (smart phone or tablet) please be sure to orient the camera correctly. LANDSCAPE is the correct orientation. NEVER PORTRAIT.
  • Camera should be framed mid-shot. Head and shoulders.
  • Background should be neutral-coloured walls, without adornment/posters.
  • Films submitted via Vimeo. You will need to supply us with the code/password needed to access the file that you upload.