
English language online tuition

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Regent's School of English online classes are suitable for students interested in a tailor-made course that focuses on their specific needs. Our experienced and qualified teachers tailor the content of the course to your level of English, based on your interests, strengths and weaknesses.

  • High levels of personal attention and regular contact with your tutors
  • Our experienced and qualified teachers can help you identify and work on your weaknesses, fluency and accuracy
  • Gain confidence speaking English
  • Develop your speaking, reading, writing and listening
  • Improve your grammar and pronunciation

Choose 1:1 tuition, or study with a friend whose English level and needs are similar to yours. We can also organise online courses for small groups of 4-6 students on request. 

Kanako Abe from Japan

Kanako Abe ELC
‘Not only have I improved my formal English, but I have also learnt about everyday native expressions on my course. The teachers tailor lessons to improve our weak points, which was very helpful.’ Kanako Abe from Japan