Seven Keys wins MIPTV student pitch challenge

Seven Keys, the intriguing reality elimination game show devised by four Regent’s Film, TV & Digital Media Production students has the won the MIPTV student pitch challenge in Cannes, ahead of three other finalist teams.

Kateryna Kononenko, Catherine Marcy, Delisa Hernandez and Olga Kobzar pitched to a jury of top entertainment executives telling the story of Frank, who is never seen, but leads the contestants through a series of escape rooms, each thematically linked to Frank’s mysterious background story. 

Seven Keys student team
Cat, Olga, Kat and Delisa of Seven Keys, winner of MIPTV's student pitch challenge

On their monumental win, Kateryna said: "This is just surreal. The anticipation, the shock, the tears, the smiles, the overwhelming feeling of gratefulness and joy - all of it was happening at once, it felt like a dream! 

“This is a moment of celebration not only for all of us, but also for our University, and our film school. It all started here at Regent's and we are bringing the award back to where it all began for us. Thank you Michal Ben-David, Tristan Tull and the entire staff of the Film and TV department." 

Seven Keys student team pitching
Kateryna and Delisa pitch Seven Keys

The jury was unanimous in their praise of the Seven Keys’ team’s creative and pitching skills. According to MIPTV’s own magazine, Matt Graff, Production Manager at Zig Zag productions said the students had “done a better job” of selling their concept than most professionals. 

Michal Ben-David, lecturer in Film, TV & Digital Media Production said the University was absolutely thrilled for the four students on their enormous achievement.

“Many congratulations to Kat, Delisa, Olga and Cat, who won the MIPTV Student Pitch 2019, in Cannes! I’m extremely proud of their huge international success! 

“Initially, the format was created by the team, as their final project in the fall semester module, Developing TV Formats for International Markets. 

“Since then, the team has worked really hard to further develop the idea, in order to bring it to the international market. In Cannes, they pitched the format brilliantly to a top industry jury, competing against three finalists from universities in Poland, France and Serbia. Their success is an amazing achievement and a great pride for Regent’s Film and TV. Well done! “

Seven Keys wins

Find out more about studying BA (Hons) Film & Screen (TV & Digital Media) at Regent's.
