

Programme details

  • Study: Full-time
  • Duration: 12 - 16 months
  • Fee: £21,500

Whether you intend to start a new venture, run a creative organisation, or join a family business, an enterprising mind-set is essential. MA Enterprise  provides the vital training to enhance your business acumen so you can become an effective entrepreneur in your chosen field.

The structure has been designed to enable you to specialise in one key enterprise pathway, subject to demand:

  • Creative Industries
  • Family Enterprises
  • New Ventures

More than any other business discipline, entrepreneurialism is about having the right attitude and mind-set. This cannot happen purely within a classroom environment. You need to get your ideas out there, fail early and often, and develop the grit and resilience needed to succeed.

MA Enterprise offers a participant experience that bridges the gap between academia and industry experience.  


You will have the platform to test out your ideas, collaborate with peers and mentors, and learn how to solve complex enterprise-related problems.


Using a range of case studies, you will examine different business models – from start-ups to high growth organisations. This knowledge will help you to recognise the practical and ethical dimensions of enterprise, giving you the skills to develop effective solutions.


You will also learn how to determine the managerial and resource priorities that are required to enable enterprises to operate efficiently, sustainably and successfully. 


As an entrepreneur, you must always be ready to talk about your vision. The MA Enterprise will prepare you with the skills to successfully communicate your ideas and attract potential stakeholders and industry partners.


Key features

  • Taught by staff and guest speakers who boast extensive and diverse industry experience
  • Access to The Hive, Regent’s collaborative space, where you can work with others in a hands-on, barrier-free way
  • Opportunities to work with your peers and mentors, including a major collaborative project 
  • Opportunities to participate in the London Venture Crawl and other entrepreneurship weeks and summer schools
  • Be part of Regent’s cosmopolitan community and build a global network of business contacts
  • Access to London’s enterprise landscape


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How to apply

Applying to study at Regent's University London is quick and easy. We have put together some helpful information to guide you through the process. We accept direct applications and there is no application fee.

Not received your results yet?

That's fine, you can still apply even without your exam results. We can issue a conditional offer without your results. You just need be clear in your application which qualifications you are currently studying for.

Application deadlines

September 2020
Early deadline: Wednesday 13 November 2019 click here to find out more about this deadline

How to apply

Applying to study at Regent's University London is quick and easy. We have put together some helpful information to guide you through the process. We accept direct applications and there is no application fee.

You can apply in the following ways:

If you have not uploaded the relevant supporting documents during the online application process, you should ensure that we have the below supporting documents as soon as you have completed your application. These can be sent to the Regent’s Admissions Department via email to admit@regents.ac.uk.

  • Copies of academic transcripts and certificates from all university studies (i.e. undergraduate degree)
  • One letter of academic recommendation
  • A copy of your CV/resumé showing your work experience, if applicable.
  • A 1,000 word personal statement outlining the reasons for applying to your chosen programme. This should demonstrate an understanding of a current issue relevant to the subject, how you feel you will benefit from the programme of study, what contributions you will make to the University and how this will help your future career aspirations.
  • A copy of your passport photograph (ID) page
  • If you are not a native English speaker, proof of your English proficiency

For some of our programmes, the selection process may include an interview. Interviews can take the form of a one-to-one interview or group interview. These are generally conducted on campus but may be conducted by telephone or as a Skype call. Arrangements of these are made between the Admissions Department and the applicant.

Step 2 Receive a response to your application

You can expect to receive a decision on your application within 10 working days of receipt of your completed application and supporting documents.

We will assess whether you meet our entry requirements and will notify you of the decision via email.

Step 3 Accepting your offer

If you wish to accept the offer, please pay the advance tuition fee deposit (non-refundable) to confirm your place. 

Please see here for information on how to pay.

Step 4 After you have accepted your place

Closer to the start of the term the Admissions Team will send information regarding the registration process. This will include information on completing your online enrolment prior to your arrival as well as a checklist of documents you will need to bring with you to fully register onto the programme.

Information for international students

If you are an overseas student requiring visa sponsorship to study in the UK, our team will be in touch with information on applying for your student visa and the documents you will need. More information can be found on our visas and immigration page.

Tuition fee

Starting September 2020: £21,500

Non-refundable advance deposit

Home/EU students: £1,000
Non-EU students: £4,000
Non-EU students in receipt of US Federal Loans: £1,000

What do fees include?

Fees cover the cost of all tuition and access to the University’s IT infrastructure and library learning resources. 

What other costs should I budget for?

You will need to budget additional funds for accommodation and living expenses, travel, and any additional trips, visits, activities or courses (such as Summer programmes) that you choose to participate in outside of the tuition offered as part of the programme.

The library hold a limited number of copies of core text books and where possible in e-format. You will be encouraged to purchase your own text books and will need to budget approximately £80-£100 for the year, depending on your programme of study.

When are fees paid?

Fees are payable in the following instalments:

  • An initial non-refundable advance deposit paid when you accept your offer of a place
  • The advance deposit is allocated against the first term’s fees
  • Tuition fees (including fees for subsequent terms) are due two weeks in advance of classes commencing

Additional fee charges

  • The programme fee outlined is for the full Masters programme including the dissertation element
  • Should there be a requirement to retake modules during an additional term of study or during the dissertation term,  there will be an additional charge per module retaken at the rate applicable to that period of study
  • The module charge will be calculated on a credit basis for each module, in line with the overall credit weighting of the programme  
  • Fees for subsequent years of study are subject to fee inflation
  • The University aims to keep annual fee increases in line with the University’s cost inflation. The expectation is that this will be no greater than UK consumer price inflation (CPI) plus 3%. There are occasionally variations to this dictated by the costs of running specific programmes or facilities required for our programmes
  • As a registered charity, all fee increases are subject to approval of the Trustee Board thus ensuring that affordability for our students remains a primary concern in any decisions regarding fee increases

You will be introduced to different perspectives, and encouraged to analyse and interpret information independently. You will also work with diverse and multicultural teams, learning from different perspectives and honing your collaborative skills.

The programme is delivered through:

  • Case studies
  • External guest speakers
  • Group work
  • Lectures
  • Presentations
  • Seminars
  • Simulations
  • Workshops

Assessment Methods include:


  • Written reports
  • Group work
  • Presentations
  • Examinations
  • Oral assessments
  • Interviews
  • Peer assessments

Teaching Staff

Our teaching staff have a high level of academic experience, as well as familiarity with the industry. We also welcome guest lecturers to provide insight into the latest developments in enterprise.

Staff on the programme have published in a range of academic journals, authored books and industry publications.

You will also be allocated a personal tutor, who will meet you on a one-to-one basis at various stages throughout the academic year and give you guidance and advice to support your ongoing personal and professional development throughout your studies at Regent’s University London.

The Programme Leader of the MA Enterprise is Dr Zubin Sethna:

Dr Zubin Sethna is a qualified marketing practitioner as well as an entrepreneur. He is the author of the UK and Europe’s most popular text on Consumer Behaviour (SAGE Publications - 4th Edition in 2019). He has successfully launched five businesses (one of which won a UK National Award). Zubin has conducted research in the UK, Europe, India and China, and has raised external funding of nearly £550k for various academic projects. He is Co-Chair of the Academy of Marketing's Special Interest Group on 'Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing' and has been invited to conduct keynote lectures at HE institutions in the UK, EU, China and India. Dr Sethna is the Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and regularly reviews for a variety of other marketing and entrepreneurship journals.

Disability Support

We welcome and support students with a wide range of disabilities and health concerns. This includes learning difficulties, visual and hearing impairments, mental health difficulties, autism spectrum conditions, mobility difficulties, and temporary or chronic health conditions.

Our dedicated Disability Officer is here to support you. We ask that you speak with Student Registry and our Disability Officer as early as you can to enable us to support you. Find out more about our disability support and contact us.

Academic Requirements

A Regent’s education provides you with a high level of personal attention, and this begins from the moment you apply to study with us. We want to understand who you are and what your skills and interests may be – we are interested in your potential, as well as your prior achievements. We review each application comprehensively and on its individual merit, considering all of your skills, interests and attributes.

Typically, we will make an offer to a student holding a minimum lower second class (2:2) UK Honours undergraduate degree in a(n) accounting, business, economics, financial, mathematical or analytical subject from a recognised institution. Other equivalent international qualifications from recognised institutions will be accepted.

We also welcome applications from candidates who do not meet the essential entry criteria outlined above. In order to be accepted for exceptional entry, you must:

  • Hold a minimum of two years’ relevant work experience
  • Provide a 1000-word personal statement outlining your reasons for applying, and how your previous experience is of relevance to the programme you are applying for
  • Be prepared to attend an interview with the Postgraduate Admissions Panel

English Language Requirements

  • IELTS: Overall score of 6.5, with 6.0 or above in all 4 component parts
  • PTE Academic: Overall score of 58, with 51 or above in each individual component
  • A-level/GCSE/IGCSE English: grade C / 4 or above (for IGCSE certificates, please provide the Supplementary Certifying Statement with the breakdown of component grades)
  • International Baccalaureate: Grade 5 in English at Higher or Standard Level

This list is not exhaustive, we will review the English qualifications you have as part of your application and be in contact if we require anything further.
For applicants who wish to improve their English language proficiency, please see our English language courses.

On-campus diagnostic test

For offer holders in London, we can provide a free on-campus English diagnostic test.  This test must be arranged in advance. To book a test, please contact admit@regents.ac.uk. Please note, this is a diagnostic test for Regent’s University London only.

The pathways give you the opportunity to tailor your programme to the career you desire. We offer a strong grounding in different aspects of finance, coupled with the option to focus in on a particular interest.

Prospective careers after successful completion of this programme are:

  • Assets and wealth management
  • Energy trading
  • Financial risk management
  • Financial technology
  • Financial trading 
  • Investment banking 
  • Wealth management

This is a full-time programme, comprising two terms of study.

You will take the following core modules:

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