Board and Committee structure

Board of Directors

  • Board of Directors
    • Audit and Risk Committee
    • Remuneration Committee
    • Nominations Committee

Vice-Chancellor's Executive Team (VCET)

  • Vice-Chancellor's Executive Team (VCET)
    • Prevent Working Group – Chair: Head of Governance
    • GDPR Working Group – Chair: Head of Governance
    • Health & Safety Committee – Chair: Director of Human Resources
    • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Steering Group – Chair: Director of Human Resources
    • Joint Consultative Committee – Chair: Director of Human Resources

Academic Committees

  • Academic Committee – Chair: Vice-Chancellor & CEO
    • Learning, Teaching & Student Experience Committee – Chair: Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor
    • Quality Committee – Chair: Associate Provost Quality & Education
    • Admissions Panel – Chair: Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor
    • Collaborative Provision Committee – Chair: Associate Provost Quality & Education
  • Research Committee – Chair: Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor 
    • Research Ethics Panel – Chair: Professor Tom Villis
    • Research Degrees Committee Open University – Chair: Professor Lawrence Phillips
    • Research Degrees Committee University of Wales – Chair: Professor Lawrence Phillips