Dr Elias Boukrami

Director (Content) Business, Finance & Entrepreneurship

Professional Biography

Dr Elias Boukrami is an Associate Professor in Banking and Finance and a Director (Content) of the flagship area of Business, Finance and Entrepreneurship in charge of the Finance subject area at Regent’s University London.

Dr Elias Boukrami is a post-Keynesian financial economist, he firmly believes that economic output is demand driven and this later could be sustainable only it responds to a given or potential need(s), he acknowledges the complexity, dynamics and structural mutations of demand over time. He led that new design of business and finance curriculum by applying the new Regents Curriculum Model in the Finance area, including the application of advanced financial technology and bootcamps, simulations, interdisciplinarity and experiential learning and teaching in Finance.

Under his leadership, his team was awarded the 2014 Trustees’ Prize for Outstanding Service to Regents University London. In 2018 he won a double award prize of Excellence in Teaching and Learning and the Prize of Leadership and Management.  Dr Boukrami is the Associate Director of the Regent’s Transnational Centre for Business and Management (in charge of the Transnational Finance and Economics Group).

Dr Boukrami holds a PhD in Empirical Finance where his area of research was financial derivatives and particularly swaps under the supervision of Professor of Anthony Berry. His current research is the “Business Models Innovation” arena, he is interested in the causal effects of innovation on business models dynamics, particularly in the financial services sector. His books publications include “The History of the Algerian Banking Industry, 1830 to 2010”, this title was edited by Mellen Press Publishing. In 2014, he was invited to write a research driven book chapter on “Swaps” for US leading Professors: Kent Baker and Greg Filbeck in one of their best seller textbooks “Investment Risk Management” published by Oxford Published University. He has over 30 publications including internal peer reviewed journals, books, books chapter and conference papers. He also examined and supervised over 15 PhD thesis. He is currently Associate Editor of Journal of Islamic of Islamic Marketing.  

Dr Boukrami acts an external examiner and advisor to a number of UK and international institutions such as Cranfield Business School, University of Bradford and CIMA. He is also a Visiting Professor at University of Lyon 3 IAE France and member of strategic advisory board for research appointed by the University President. He also appears regularly in the press and media (BBC, Banker Magazine, World Commerce Review, Government Press Agencies). He also speaks in the UKTI and MEA conferences promoting Regent’s and British higher education from a global perspective.

Google Scholar profile


  • PGCHE: Postgraduate Certificate of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Westminster, 2009 – 2011.
  • PhD: Philosophy Doctorate in Finance, The Manchester Graduate Business School, 2002 – 2006
  • MSc: Master of Science in Financial Services Management, University of Surrey UK, The Surrey European Management School, 1999 – 2001
  • Dip: Diploma in English and Business,  King's College London, 1998 – 1999
  • BSc Hons:  Business and Finance, Ecole Suprieure de Commerce, 1994 –1998

Relevant Past Employment

  • Jan 2021-Now: Director (Content) Business, Finance and Entrepreneurship, Associate Professor in Banking and Finance. Regent’s University London  
  • Jun 2019-Dec 2020: Head of Programmes Finance, Energy and Trade, Deputy Director of the Regent’s Transnational Centre for Business and Management. Regent’s University London  
  • Jun 2015-Jun 2019: Head of Programmes, People line management for MSc Finance and MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management, Regent’s University London, Deputy Director of the Regent’s Centre for Migration and Integration. 
  • Jan 2014-Jun 2015: Principal Lecturer in Finance and Banking-Programme Director MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management, Regent’s University London  
  • Sep 2010-Dec 2013: Senior Lecturer in Finance and Banking, Regent’s University London
  • Sep 2010-now: Invited Professor in Finance and Information Systems Risk Management at University of Lyon III, France
  • Jan -Dec 2012: External advisor MSc Islamic Banking and Finance, University of East London, Royal Dockland Business School   
  • Oct 07-Dec 2008: Project Manager of Financial Consultancy in Banking Treasury.  
  • Sep 04-Jun 2008: Lecturer in Finance, lecturing Global Financial Investment and Financial Securitization at Salford University, Salford Business School.
  • Jun 03-Dec 2005: Research Associate with Financial Management Research Group at the Metropolitan University of Manchester 



  • 2023 Delle Foglie, A., Boukrami, E., Vento, G., & Panetta, IC., (2023), “The regulators’ dilemma and the global banking regulation: the case of the dual financial systems”, Journal of Banking Regulation 24 (3), 249-263, (2* ABS), https://link.springer.com/a
  • 2022 Ramdani, B., Belaid, F & Boukrami, E., (2022), “ Profiling exporting SMEs: The role of innovation-orientation” Journal of Business Research 149, 1-13  (3* ABS), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S014829632200399X 
  • 2022 Guemar, N., Northey, J & Boukrami, E., (2022) “Diaspora activism and citizenship: Algerian community responses during the global pandemic” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48 (9), 1980-1997  (4* or A), https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369183X.2022.2031924   
  • 2022 Delle Foglie, A., Boukrami, E., Vento, G & Panetta, I, C, (2022), “The regulators’ dilemma and the global banking regulation: the case of the dual financial systems” Journal of Banking Regulation, 1-15” (2* ABS) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41261-022-00196-2 
  • 2021 Delle Foglie, A., Panetta, I, C., Boukrami, E & Vento, G., (2021), “The impact of the Blockchain technology on the global Sukuk industry: smart contracts and asset tokenisation”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, (2* ABS) https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2021.1939000   
  • 2021 Belaid, F., Boukrami, E., & Amine, R., (2021), Book chapter “Renewable Energy in the MENA Region: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned”, Book title: “Advances in Managing Energy and Climate Risks: Financial, Climate and Environmental Sustainable Strategies”, Springer Nature
  • 2020 Ramdani, B., Binsaif, A., Boukrami, E. and Guermat, C. (2020), “Business models innovation in investment banks: a resilience perspective”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Forthcoming, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10490-020-09723-z (3* ABS) 
  • 2020 Ramdani, B., Rothwel, B. and Boukrami, E. (2020), “Open Banking: The Emergence of New Digital Business Models”, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Volume 17, Issue 5. (1* ABS) https://ideas.repec.org/a/wsi/ijitmx/v17y2020i05ns0219877020500339.html
  • 2020 Boukrami, B., Dafgard, C  & Benamraoui, A; (2020), “An Empirical Investigation of the Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Challenges of the UK Islamic Retail Banking”, Journal of Islamic Business and Management. Volume 10, Issue 2. (1* ABS), https://journal.riphah.edu.pk/index.php/jibm/article/view/205 
  • 202 Boulesnane S, Bouzidi L, Boukrami E; (2020), “Information Technologies and System Evaluation: Uses and Practices in the Online Context”, International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT), ISSN: 2279-0764. Volume 9, Issue 6. https://econpapers.repec.org/paper/haljournl/hal-03099474.htm  
  • 2019 Ramdani, B., Binsaif, A. and Boukrami, E. (2019), "Business model innovation: a review and research agenda", New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol 20 issue 4. (1* ABS).  https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/NEJE-06-2019-0030/full/html 
  • 2017 Al-Serhan, O. Sirkeci, I. and Boukrami, E. (2017). "Why do they boycott? Withholding consumption among London’s Muslim Arabs". International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies. 8 (Nos. 2/3), 216-239. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJTCS.2017.086676   
  • 2016 Gutierrez, A. Boukrami, E. and Lumsden, R. (2016). “Technological, Organisational and Environmental factors influencing managers’ decision to adopt cloud computing in the UK”. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28(6), pp. 788-807.  (2* ABS). https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JEIM-01-2015-0001/full/html   
  • 2015 Omar Al-Serhan & Elias Boukrami; (2015), “Mapping studies on consumer boycotting in international marketing” Transnational Marketing Journal, Vol 3 No 2. https://idea

Other Outputs

  • 2018, Special Guest and Keynote Speaker at the TASK2 Conference, Al-Fallah University, Dubai UAE.
  • 2015, Chair and Keynote Speaker at the Islamic Development Bank 42nd General Assembly. Jakarta, Indonesia. High Level Discussion Panel, Energy Security.
  • 2014, Led the MSc OGTM team that was awarded the 2014 Trustees’ Prize for Outstanding Service to Regents University London.
  • 2014, Book manuscript “The History of the Algerian Banking System: 1830-2010”, Mellen Press New York, Co-authored with Dr A. Benamraoui, University of Westminster.
  • 2014, Book chapter 27: “Swaps and Risk”, book edited by Professor Kent Baker and Professor Greg Filbeck, “Financial Investment Risk Management” University of Oxford Press, NY.
  • 2014, Member of the Editorial Board for the Inderscience Publishers peer reviewed journal, “The International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding”
  • 2014, Reviewed a major Oil and Gas management textbook for Palgrave Macmillan Publishers.

Conference Papers Given

  • 2019, JPIM RESEARCH FORUM 2019, Orlando, USA, B Ramdani, A Binsaif, E Boukrami and C Guermat “Business Model Innovation in Investment Banks: A Resilience Perspective” Available at https://www.pdma.org/mpage/jpim-research-forum
  • 2018, ISPIM INNOVATION FORUM- Sweden, B Ramdani, A Binsaif, E Boukrami “Investment Banks Multiple Business Models Innovation: Challenges and Consequences”, Available at www.ispim.org
  • 2018, ISPIM INNOVATION FORUM- Boston, USA, B Ramdani, A Binsaif, E Boukrami “Multiple Business Models Innovation: Lessons from Investment Banks”, Available at www.ispim.org
  • 2018, ICRSSH 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Science & Humanities, Bouzidi L, Boulesnane S, Boukrami E, Varinard C. (2018). Information technologies and system evaluation: User application of online platforms. ICRSSH 2nd International Conference on Research in Social Science & Humanities, 23-24 Dec 2018, Dubai.
  • 2017, Al-Fallah University Dubai, TASK Conference 2017, “Ethical Legitimacy, Growth and Rethinking Practice of UK Islamic Retail Banking?”
  • 2014, UK Trade & Investment Energy Education & Training 2014, London. “What Role can British Universities Play in Supporting the Global Energy Industry?”
  • 2013, The 4th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, Istanbul, “Islamic Retail Banking in the UK between Challenges and Opportunities”
  • 2012, Middle East Association London, UKTI, “The Maghreb” Conference, “The Algerian Baking System Between Challenges and Opportunities”
  • 2012, Research Conference at Lyon III University. The Euro Crisis and the Future of the Euro as Common Currency, International

Research Supervision

  • Mehari Fisseha, PhD,  2018-now, First Supervisor, “Migration Integration  and Employment Policy Effectiveness”.   
  • Omar Al Serhan, PhD,  2012-2016, First Supervisor, “The Impact of boycott on consumers  behaviour”.   
  • Hicham Gherbi, PhD,  2012-2016, Second Supervisor, “The effect of financial bubbles on economic growth” 
  • Irene Asheme, PhD,  2015-now, First Supervisor, “An Investigation into Microfinance in Cameroun” 

Research Interests

  • Asset Pricing
  • Financial Technology
  • ESG Investment
  • Business Models Innovation
  • Ethical Finance 

Grants Awarded

Raised a research grant of £14,750 financing a research project on “The Impact of Financial Bubbles on the Global Real Economy”. The funding was granted by the Algerian Department of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the Regent’s Centre for Transnational Studies.

Was awarded a government scholarship for postgraduate doctoral studies in the UK.

Annual Staff Awards (double award):

  • Award to Excellent in Leadership and Management
  • Award to Excellence in Teaching

Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation

  • MEI: Member of the Energy Institute; elected 2014.
  • WEF: Member of the Westminster Energy Forum; Elected 2013.
  • FHEA: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy; elected 2011.
  • CMI: Chartered Management Institute, elected Member 2014; and Fellow 2018.
  • Char Acc: Member of the Algerian Chartered and Certified Accountants Association; elected 2002. 

Teaching & Course Development

Course development


  • 2023 - BA Business and Global Sports Management.
  • 2022 - Designed and developed 4 new programmes MSc Finance and Real Estate. Investment, MSc Finance and Financial Technology, MSc Finance and Private Equity, MSc Finance and Wealth Management. 
  • 2019 - Created, developed and validated the MSc Finance and Investment with four specialism pathways. 
  • 2019 - Led the validation of the BA Global Management (Finance Pathway).
  • 2014 - Created, Developed and Validated MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management (revalidated in 2015).


  • Designed and Developed Level 6 module Sports, Performance and Decisions, (2023).
  • Designed and Developed Level 7 modules Real Estate and Private Equity (2022).
  • Designed and Developed Level 7 modules:  Fintech Module, Investments and Portfolio Management module, Energy Trading Module, (2019). 
  • Designed and Developed Level 5 and 6 modules:  Financial Innovation & Fintech module, Global Banking module, Financial Analytics module, (2019).