Dr Mireille Hebing

Director (Content) Liberal Arts, Principal Lecturer

Professional Biography

Dr Mireille Hebing is an experienced lecturer with considerable knowledge and experience of designing, planning, and delivering high-quality teaching in a range of subject areas, including sociology, international relations, politics, human rights, research theory and methods, and across the liberal arts. She situates student experience at the centre of her teaching philosophy, has a strong emphasis on interactive teaching methods, experiential learning, and encouraging students to fully participate in class.

She is currently Course Leader for the MA International Relations and teaches several modules on the BA Liberal Studies.

Her research interests include gender violence, domestic abuse, asylum and the nation state and refugee stories. She is a trustee for Rights of Women, an organization which specializes in assisting women to access the law. As such, she convenes the Rights of Women Seminars at Regent’s.


  • PhD in Sociology (City University London, 2009)
  • BSc (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (London South Bank University, 2001)

Relevant Past Employment

  • 2002 – 2010, Lecturer in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, City University London
  • 2009, Lecturer in Sociology and Research Methods, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, London South Bank University
  • 2004, Research Assistant, School of Social Sciences, City University London


Journal Articles:

  • Villlis, T. and Hebing, M. (2014) 'Islam and Englishness: Issues of Culture and Identity in the Debates over Mosque Building in Cambridge' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 20: 4

Book Reviews for Ethnic and Racial Studies:

  • (2011). Gerhard Sonnert and Gerald Holton (eds), HELPING YOUNG REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS SUCCEED: PUBLIC POLICY, AID, AND EDUCATION, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010, 316pp.
  • (2004). John Stone and Rutledge Dennis (eds). RACE AND ETHNICITY: COMPARATIVE AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Inc. 2003, xiv + 406 pp.

Research Supervision

Mireille has supervised Master's dissertations on a variety of topics at Regent's University London. She is particularly interested to supervise theses on migration, refugees, globalisation, gender, violence against women, and topics from a post-structural or postcolonial perspective. 

Research Interests

Mireille's research has mainly focused on refugee and migrant integration, and in particular explores the construction of refugee narratives in a variety of political, policy and social contexts.

More recently, her research interest involves violence against women and public policy; she is currently investigating barriers to public services for survivors of domestic abuse.

Grants Awarded

2012 Regent's Senate Committee research grant for a part-time fixed term (1 year) Research Assistant for the Transnational Migration Research Group.

Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority
  • Trustee of Rights of Women
  • Society for European Philosophy/Forum for European Philosophy
  • British Sociological Association (BSA)
  • Council for European Studies
  • Association for the Study of Nationalities
  • Chatham House

Other Outputs

Dr Hebing is a trustee for Rights of Women, a London-based organization that delivers free legal advice to women and consults policymakers on gender equality legislation. She organises the Rights of Women Seminars, a series of panel debates, which aims to develop a network of legal professionals, women’s sector professionals, policy makers and academics, and provide a platform for public debate and research activity. 

Dr Hebing participates in the EU-funded Cabufal partnership of eight European universities, a project designed to build capacity at the Law Faculty of the University of Montenegro. She delivered training at the University of Montenegro on UK as well as European higher education systems, specifically focusing on policy developments in the EHEA, and how these developments impact on national HE environments.  

Conference Papers Given

  • (2016) ‘Theorising Refugees: Asylum and the Nation-State’ at SEP/FEP Annual European Philosophy Conference at Regent’s University, London
  • (2015) ‘Refugee Stories and National Narratives in Britain’, 20th Annual Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, Columbia University, New York, 2015
  • (2014) ‘Refugee Stories in Britain: Dominant Narratives in the Public Mind’ at Immigration, Nation and Public History Symposium, King’s College London June 2014
  • (2012) ‘Borders, Gender and Asylum: Refugee Stories in the Asylum Procedure' at the A Europe of diversities – the 19th International Conference of Europeanists 22-24 March 2012 Boston Massachusetts.
  • (2011) ‘The Right to Asylum: Learning to tell ‘credible' stories during the asylum procedure' at Life Writing and Human Rights: Narratives of Testimony Kingston University 11 – 13 July 2011

Teaching & Course Development

Dr Hebing has developed modules on a range of topics, including research methods, social theory, politics of gender, human trafficking, crime and society, migration and refugee studies, and race and racism.

She designed and developed the MA International Relations, and the International Relations and Political Science majors on the BA in Liberal Studies.