Professor Fary Cachelin

Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor


As Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Fary is responsible for the successful delivery of the University’s academic objectives. This includes the implementation of a progressive, new Curriculum Model and ensuring that all Regent’s students stay the course, enjoy the experience, and are equipped to go on and do great things. As part of the Vice-Chancellor's Executive Team, she also works with the Vice-Chancellor to deliver the University’s Strategic Plan. 

An alumna of Stanford and Harvard universities, Fary brings over 20 years of academic leadership experience to the role. She has served as a Head of Department, Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor in the US and UK, and has extensive experience in curriculum development, innovative teaching, interdisciplinary learning and new course development.  

Throughout her career, she has put students at the centre of her work - improving engagement, wellbeing, retention, progression and employability. 

Before joining Regent’s, Fary was the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies, and a Professor of Psychology and Wellbeing at the Open University. Before then, she was Pro Vice-Chancellor of Community and Civic Engagement and Dean of the College of Applied Health and Communities at the University of East London.  

Before coming to the UK, Fary was Professor and Head of the Department of Psychological Science at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Prior to 2010, she was Professor and Chair of Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles.   

She received her BA in Psychology from Stanford University, and her MA and PhD in Psychology from Harvard University. 



  • Minnick, A., Cachelin, F.M., Gil-Rivas, V., & Wade, T. (under review). The relationship of body dissatisfaction with binge eating and quality of life in a racially and ethnically diverse sample of college-age men. Behavioral Medicine.
  • *Minnick, A., Cachelin, F.M., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2022). Examining predictors of binge eating behaviors among racially and ethnically diverse college men. The Journal of American College Health.
  • *Vela, A.M., *Palmer, B., Gil-Rivas, V., & Cachelin, F. (2021). Addressing Disordered Eating in Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.
  • Cachelin, F.M., Gil-Rivas, V., *Palmer, B., *Vela, A., *Phimphasone, P., Urquieta de Hernandez, B., & Tapp, H. (2018). Randomized controlled trial of a culturally-adapted program for Latinas with binge eating. Psychological Services. doi: 10.1037/ser0000182
  • *Scott, T., Gil-Rivas, V., & Cachelin, F.M. (2018). The need for cultural adaptations to health interventions for African American women: a qualitative analysis. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 25(3). doi: 10.1037/cdp0000228
  • Phimphasone-Brady, P., *Vela, A. M., *Palmer, B. E., *Minnick, A, Cachelin, F. M. (2018, Sept 14). Need for a culturally relevant adaptation for Latinas with binge eating disorder. Community Psychology.
  • Cachelin, F.M., *Thomas, C., *Vela, A., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2017). Associations between meal patterns, binge eating, and weight for Latinas. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50, 32-39.
  • *Minnick, A., Cachelin, F.M., & Durvasula, R. (2017). Personality disorders and psychological functioning among Latina women with eating disorders. Behavioral Medicine, 43, 200-207.
  • Regan, P., Cachelin, F.M., & *Minnick, A. (2017). Initial treatment seeking from professional health care providers for eating disorders: a review and synthesis of potential barriers to and facilitators of “first contact”. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50, 190-209. (Invited submission)
  • Shea, M., Cachelin, F.M., *Gutierrez, G., *Wang, S., & *Phimphasone, P. (2016). Mexican American women’s perspectives on a culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral therapy guided self-help program for binge eating. Psychological Services, 13, 31-41. doi: 10.1037/ser0000055
  • Cachelin, F.M. (2015). Conference Scene: 3rd Annual Obesity Summit, London, UK, 14-16 April 2015. Diabetes Management, 5, 333-335. (Invited submission)
  • Cachelin, F.M., Gil-Rivas, V., & *Vela, A.  (2014). Understanding eating disorders among Latinas.  Advances in Eating Disorders: Theories, Research and Practice, 2(2), 204-208. doi:10.1080/21662630.2013.869391 (Invited submission)
  • Cachelin, F.M., Shea, M., *Phimphasone, P., Wilson, G.T., Thompson, D., & Striegel, R.H.  (2014). Culturally-adapted cognitive behavioral guided self-help for binge eating: A feasibility study with Mexican Americans.  Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(3), 449-457. doi: 10.1037/a0035345
  • Cachelin, F.M., Thompson, D., & *Phimphasone, P.  (2014). Impact of Asian American mothers’ feeding beliefs and practices on child obesity in a diverse community sample. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 5(3), 223-229. doi: 10.1037/a0034897
  • Cachelin, F.M., Shea, M., & *Bono, F.A. (2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy guided self-help (CBT-GSH) for binge eating: a culturally sensitive minimal or early intervention program. In L. H. Choate (Ed.), Eating disorders and obesity: A counselor’s guide to treatment and prevention (pp. 265-283). American Counseling Association Press.
  • Cachelin, F.M., & Thompson, D. (2013). Predictors of maternal child-feeding practices in an ethnically diverse sample and the relationship to child obesity. Obesity, 21, 1676-1683.
  • Shea, M., Cachelin, F.M., *Uribe, L., Striegel-Moore, R. H., Thompson, D., & Wilson, G. T.  (2012). Cultural adaptation of a cognitive-behavioral therapy guided self-help program for Mexican American women with binge eating disorders. Journal of Counseling & Development, 90, 308-318.
  • Thompson, D., Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., Barton, B., Shea, M., & Wilson, G. T. (2012). How many therapists? Practical guidance on investigating therapist effects in randomized controlled trials for eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 45, 670-676.
  • Cachelin, F. M. (2011). Ethnicity, culture, and eating disorders. PULSE. American Dietetic Association (Invited editorial).
  • *Brown, M., Cachelin, F. M., Dohm, F. A. (2009). Eating disorders in ethnic minority women: A review of the emerging literature. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 5, 182-193.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & Regan, P. C.  2009). Binge eating: What we can learn from multi-ethnic community samples.  In N. Chambers (Ed.), Binge eating: Psychological factors, symptoms, and treatment (pp. 13-22). Hauppauge, NY:  Nova Science Publishers. (Invited submission)
  • Dohm, F. A., *Brown, M., Cachelin, F. M., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2009). Ethnicity, disordered eating, and body image.  In H. Landrine & N. Russo (Eds.), Handbook of diversity in feminist psychology (pp. 285-309). New York, NY:  Springer Publishing. (Invited submission)
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Monreal, T. K., *Juarez, L. L. (2006). Body image and size perception of Mexican American women. Body Image, 3, 67-75.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Phinney, J., *Schug, R. A., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2006). Acculturation and eating disorders in a Mexican American community sample. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 30, 340-347.
  • Cachelin, F. M. & Regan, P. C. (2006). Prevalence and correlates of chronic dieting in a multi-ethnic U.S. community sample. Eating and Weight Disorders, 11, 91-99.
  • Cachelin, F. M. & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2006). Help seeking and barriers to treatment in a community sample of Mexican American and European American women with eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 39, 1544-1561.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., & Regan, P. C. (2006). Factors associated with treatment seeking in a community sample of European American and Mexican American women with eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 14, 422-429.
  • *Gundy, J., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006). Differences in perceptions of food amounts between purging-type and non-purging type eating disordered women [Abstract]. Obesity, 14 (suppl.), A146.
  • Regan, P. C., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006). Binge eating and purging in a multi-ethnic community sample. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 39, 523-526.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Schug, R. A., *Juarez, L. L., & *Monreal, T. K. (2005). Sexual abuse and eating disorders in a community sample of Mexican American women. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 27, 533-546.
  • Dohm, F. A., Cachelin, F. M., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2005). Factors that influence food amount ratings by White, Hispanic, and Asian samples. Obesity Research, 13, 1061-1069.
  • *Bravo, C., *Dovlatyan, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003). Sexual and physical abuse and obesity:  a comparison between Mexican-American and Euro-American white women [Abstract]. Obesity Research, 11 (suppl.), A119.
  • *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003). The relationship between acculturation and preference of body size in a sample of normal weight, overweight, and obese Mexican American women [Abstract]. Obesity Research, 11 (suppl.), A122.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Weiss, J. W., & Garbanati, J. A. (2003). Dieting and its relationship to smoking, acculturation, and family environment in Asian and Hispanic adolescents. Eating Disorders:  The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 11, 51-61.
  • *Lopez, A., *Cerezo, A., *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003). Psychiatric co-morbidity among European American and Mexican American overweight/obese women with eating disorders [Abstract]. Obesity Research, 11 (suppl.), A126.
  • Cachelin, F. M. (2003). Treatment seeking for eating disorders in a community sample of Mexican American and European American women. In P. Swain (Ed.), Focus on eating disorders research (pp. 87-108). New York:  Nova Biomedical Books.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Rebeck, R. M., *Chung, G. H., & *Pelayo, E. (2002). Does ethnicity influence body size preference? A comparison of body image and body size assessments. Obesity Research, 10 (3), 158-166.
  • Cachelin, F. M. (2001). Ethnic differences in body size preferences: Myth or reality? Nutrition, 17, 353-356.  (Invited editorial)
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Rebeck, R., *Veisel, C., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2001). Barriers to treatment for eating disorders among ethnically diverse women. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 30, 269-278.
  • *Lewis, D. M., & Cachelin, F. M. (2001). Body image, body dissatisfaction, and eating attitudes in mid-life and elderly women. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 9, 29-39.
  • Striegel-Moore, R. H., & Cachelin, F. M. (2001).The etiology of eating disorders. The Counseling Psychologist, 29, 635-661.
  • Striegel-Moore, R. H., Cachelin, F. M., Dohm, F. A., Pike. K. M., Wilfley, D. E., & Fairburn, C. G. (2001). Comparison of Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa in a community sample. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 29, 157-165.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Veisel, C., Striegel-Moore, R. H., & *Barzegarnazari, E. (2000). Disordered eating, acculturation and treatment seeking in a community sample of Hispanic, Asian, Black, and White women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24, 244-253.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., *Elder, K. A., Pike, K. M., Wilfley, D. E., & Fairburn, C. G. (1999). Natural course outcome of a community sample of women with binge eating disorder. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 25, 45-54.
  • Striegel-Moore, R. H., & Cachelin, F. M. (1999). Body image concerns and disordered eating in adolescent girls:  Risk and protective factors. In N. G. Johnson, M. C. Roberts, & J. Worell (Eds.), Beyond appearance: A new look at adolescent girls (pp.  85-108). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & Maher, B. A. (1998). Is amenorrhea a critical criterion for anorexia nervosa? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 44, 435-440.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & Maher, B. A. (1998). Restricters who purge: Implications of purging behavior for psychopathology and classification of anorexia nervosa. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 6, 41-53.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., & Brownell, K. D. (1998). Beliefs about weight gain and attitudes toward relapse in a sample of women and men with obesity. Obesity Research, 6, 231-237.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., & *Elder, K. (1998). Realistic weight perception and body size assessment in a racially diverse community sample of dieters. Obesity Research, 6, 62-68.
  • Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R. H., & *Paget, W. (1997). Comparison of women with various levels of dietary restraint on body image, personality, and family environment. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 5, 205-215.
  • Grilo, C. M., Devlin, M. J., Cachelin, F. M., & Yanovski, S. Z. (1997). Report of the NIH Workshop on the Development of Research Priorities in Eating Disorders. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 33, 321-333.
  • Heatherton, T. F., (Cachelin) Mahamedi, F., Striepe, M., Field, A. E., & Keel, P. (1997). A ten-year longitudinal study of body weight, dieting, and eating disorder symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 106, 117-125.
  • Heatherton, T. F., Nichols, P., (Cachelin) Mahamedi, F., & Keel, P. (1995). Body weight, dieting, and eating disorder symptoms 1982 to 1992. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 1623-1629.
  • (Cachelin) Mahamedi, F., & Heatherton, T. F. (1993). Effects of high calorie preloads on selective processing of food and body shape stimuli among dieters and nondieters. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 13, 305-314.

*denotes student co-author



  • Minnick, A. M., Allison, K., Cachelin, F. M., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2022, November). Associations of binge eating with aspects of health functioning in college men from diverse groups. Poster presented at the Obesity Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Cachelin, F. M. and Turner, W. (2022, June). Blended Learning at The Open University. Paper presented at the Council of Deans of Health Annual Conference: Innovation in Healthcare Education, London, England. (Invited)
  • *Palmer, B., & Cachelin, F. M. (2019, September). Disordered eating behaviors in pregnancy and the relationship with expected vs. unexpected pregnancy. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Eating Disorder Research Society, Chicago.
  • Cachelin, F. M. (2019, January). Widening participation in Nursing. Invited presentation to Council of Health Deans annual meeting, London.
  • *Minnick, A. M., *Palmer, B., *Vela, A., Gil-Rivas, V., & Cachelin, F. (2018, November). Weight (mis-)perceptions among college-aged men of various racial/ethnic backgrounds. Poster presented at the 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Santiago, Chile.
  • *Palmer, B., Gil-Rivas, V., *Minnick, A., *Vela, A., & Cachelin, F. (2018, November). Development of a lifestyle intervention to address binge eating and promote lifestyle changes among women. Poster presented at the 15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Santiago, Chile.
  • *Vela, A.M., *Palmer, B.E., Cachelin, F., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2018, November). Participant’s perspectives on an adapted eating-focused lifestyle intervention for women with Type 2 diabetes. Presentation at the 2018 International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Santiago, Chile.
  • Cachelin, F.M. (2018, October). Innovations in widening participation of healthcare students. Panel paper presented at the Council of Deans of Health Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. (Invited)
  • *Minnick, A., Cachelin, F., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2018, April). Binge eating among college men: Exploring the role of race and ethnicity. In A.M. Vela (Chair) Understanding the contributions of binge eating to overweight and obesity among diverse populations. Symposium presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • *Phimphasone-Brady, P., *Vela, A., *Palmer, B.E., & Cachelin, F. (2018, April). Making it count twice: Stakeholder engagement to inform cultural adaptations and identify implementation strategies. Symposium presentation at 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
  • *Vela, A.M., *Palmer, B.E., Cachelin, F., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2018, April). An intervention for women with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus & disordered eating. In A.M. Vela (Chair) Understanding the contributions of binge eating to overweight and obesity among diverse populations. Symposium presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • *Phimphasone-Brady, P, *Vela, A., *Palmer, B.E., & Cachelin, F.M. (2017, December). Cultural adaptations of a behavioral weight loss program to improve implementation for obese Latina women with binge eating disorder. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Arlington, VA.
  • Gil-Rivas, V., *Minnick, A., & Cachelin, F.M. (April, 2017). Understanding obesity among males. Paper presented at the Obesity Summit, London, UK.
  • *Palmer, B.E., Gil-Rivas, V., *Vela, A., *Minnick, A., & Cachelin, F.M. (2017, April). Factors associated with self-reported eating problems and desire for treatment among Latinas who binge eat. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference in San Diego, CA.
  • *Phimphasone-Brady, P., Cachelin, F.M., *Vela, A., & *Palmer, B.E. (2017, April). Development of a culturally modified behavioral weight loss manual for obese and overweight Latina women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference in San Diego, CA.
  • *Minnick, A.M., & Cachelin, F.M. (2016, October). Comorbid personality disorders among Latinas with eating disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Eating Disorder Research Society, New York, NY.
  • *Minnick, A. M., *Davies, A., *Hardy, A., *Palmer, B., *Vela, A., *Davis, S., Cachelin, F., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2016, August). Variables associated with treatment outcome in Latina women who binge eat. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
  • *Palmer, B., *Vela, A., *Davis, S., *Hardy, A., *Minnick, A., *Davies, A., Cachelin, F., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2016, August). Patterns of binge eating for Latinas with binge-related eating disorders. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychology Association, Denver, CO.
  • Cachelin, F.M. (2016, April). Cultural perspectives on binge eating and obesity. Paper presented at the Obesity Summit, London, UK. (Invited)
  • *Palmer, B. E, *Phimphasone, P., *Scott, T., Cachelin, F. M., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2016, March). Overvaluation of shape and weight in Latinas with binge eating disorder. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C. 
  • *Vela, A.M., *Minnick, A., *Palmer, B.E., *Davies, A., Gil-Rivas, V., & Cachelin, F.C. (2016, March). Self-reported health ratings in Latinas suffering from binge eating. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
  • Cachelin, F.M., *Thomas, C., *Vela, A., & Gil-Rivas, V. (2015, April). Meal patterns, obesity and binge eating in U.S. Latinas. Paper presented at the Obesity Summit, London, UK.
  • *Palmer, B., Gil-Rivas, V., & Cachelin, F. M. (2015, April). Preliminary findings of a culturally adapted intervention for Latinas with binge eating problems. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
  • *Phimphasone, P., Cachelin, F.M., Gil-Rivas, V., & *Scott, T. (2015, April). A cultural adaptation of a lifestyle intervention for Latinas. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
  • *Scott, T., Gil-Rivas, V., Cachelin, F.M., & *Phimphasone, P. (2015, April). Cultural adaptation of an evidenced based treatment for binge eating for use with African American women. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
  • *Vela, A., Cachelin, F.M., Gil-Rivas, V., *Phimphasone, P., & *Palmer, B. (2015, April). An examination of eating patterns among Latinas with Binge Eating Disorder. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
  • *Vela, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2015, March). Binge Eating Disorder in Latinas: What they’re eating and when. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • *Palmer, B., *Phimphasone, P., & Cachelin, F.M. (2014, April). Role of self-esteem in a CBT self-help intervention for Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Shea, M., Cachelin, F.M., *Gutierrez, G., *Wang, S., *Phimphasone, P. (2014, April). Mexican American women’s perspectives on a culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral therapy guided self-help program for binge eating disorders. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
  • Cachelin, F.M. (2013, August). Effectiveness of a culturally adapted guided self-help program to treat binge eating in Latinas. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
  • Cachelin, F.M. (2012, December). CBT-based guided self-help program to treat binge eating in Latinas. Paper presented at the NIH 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD.
  • Cachelin, F.M., Thompson, D., & *Donaldson, I.A. (2012, August). Ethnicity, child feeding practices, and child obesity. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • *Phimphasone, P., & Cachelin, F. M. (2012, May). Psychopathology influence on self-help intervention for Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
  • *Phimphasone, P., & Cachelin, F. M. (2011, September). Excessive shape and weight concern among Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the North Carolina Public Health Association Annual Educational Conference, Charlotte, NC.
  • Shea, M., *Uribe, L., *Phimphasone, P., *Garcia, D., *Bono, F. & Cachelin, F. (2011, August). Cultural adaptation of cognitive-behavioral guided self-help for Mexican Americans with diagnosis of binge eating disorders. Roundtable presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
  • Cachelin, F., Shea, M., *Uribe, L., Striegel-Moore, R., Wilson, G.T., & Thompson, D. (2011, May). Guided self-help for binge eating for Latinas: themes for change. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
  • Shea, M., *Uribe, L., *Phimphasone, P., *Garcia, D., *Bono, F. & Cachelin, F. (2011, April). Cultural adaptation of a CBT program for binge eating disorders. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA.        
  • Thompson, D., Cachelin, F. M., Striegel-Moore, R.H., & Wilson, G. T. (2010, October). Power to detect therapist effects in randomized controlled trials of interventions in clinical psychology. Paper presented at the Midwest SAS Users Group Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
  • *Bono, F., & Cachelin, F. M. (2010, August). Anorexia nervosa versus subclinical anorexia: utility of weight criterion. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  • Cachelin, F. M. (2009, August). Eating disorders in Mexican American women. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.
  • *Donaldson, I., & Cachelin, F. (2008, April). Factors predicting child obesity in an ethnically diverse community sample. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Irvine, CA.
  • *Donaldson, I. (2008, March). Factors predicting child obesity in a community sample. Poster presented at the CSULA Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Annual Student Symposium, Los Angeles, CA. (Winner of first-place award in behavioral and social sciences.)
  • *Gundy, J., Matthies, B., & Cachelin, F. (2008, March). Duration of culinary arts school training is associated with scores on measures of eating disordered behaviors. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • *Gundy, J., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006, October). Differences in perceptions of food amounts between purging-type and non-purging type eating disordered women. Poster presented at The Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & Phinney, J. (2006, April). Influence of acculturation on eating disorders. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Palm Springs, CA.
  • *Donaldson, I., *Salvi, S., *Nemanim, L., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006, April). Effect of mother’s eating on child’s eating and weight. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Palm Springs, CA.
  • Dohm, F. A., Cachelin, F. M., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2006, April). Variability of food amount ratings by age, socioeconomic status, weight, and EAT-40 scores for a sample of Mexican and white women. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona, Spain.
  • *Nemanim, L., *Salvi, S., *Donaldson, I., *Reyes, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006, April). The influence of socioeconomic status on breastfeeding practices. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Palm Springs, CA.
  • *Salvi, S., *Nemanim, L., *Donaldson, I., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2006, April). The relationship between mother’s body dissatisfaction and child feeding practices. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Convention, Palm Springs, CA.
  • Dohm, F. A., Cachelin, F. M., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2005, August). Food amount ratings by diverse samples: Results of two studies. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference,
  • Cachelin, F. M., & *Schug, R. A. (2005, April). Sexual abuse and eating disorders in Mexican Americans. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
  • *Juarez, L., *Monreal, T., & Cachelin, F. (2005, April). Mother’s acculturation, beliefs and attitudes towards child’s food consumption. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
  • *Monreal, T., & Cachelin, F. (2005, April). Symptom presentation of eating disorders in Mexican American women. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
  • *Salvi, S., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. (2005, April). Mother’s disordered eating and its effects on child-feeding practices. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & *Schug, R. A. (2004, June). Relationship between acculturation and disordered eating in women of different ethnic groups. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
  • *Lopez, A., *Juarez, L., *Monreal, T., *Matus, T., *Schug, R., *Bravo, C., *Dovlatyan, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2004, June). Comparison of psychiatric co-morbidity between European American/White and Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
  • *Monreal, T., *Matus, T., *Schug, R., *Bravo, C., *Dovlatyan, A., *Juarez, L., *Lopez, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2004, June). The relationship between alcohol and substance abuse/dependence and eating disorders in a community sample of European-American and Mexican-American women. Poster presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI.
  • *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003, October). The relationship between acculturation and preference for body size in a sample of normal weight, overweight, and obese Mexican American women. Poster presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
  • *Lopez, A., *Cerezo, A., *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003, October). Psychiatric co-morbidity among European American/White and Mexican American overweight/obese women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
  • *Schug, R. A., *Juarez, L., *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Dovlatyan, A., *Lopez, A., & Cachelin, F. M. (2003, October). Sexual and physical abuse and obesity: A comparison between Mexican-American and Euro-American white women. Poster presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
  • *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., Cachelin, F., *Cerezo, A., *Chovan, S., & *Juarez, L. (2003, May). Possible factors predictive of depressive symptoms among non-depressed women. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Cachelin, F., *Matus, T., *Bravo, C., *Schug, R., *Chovan, S., *Cerezo, A., *Dovlatyan, A., *Juarez, L., & Striegel-Moore, R. (2003, May). Women with eating disorders and treatment seeking. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Vancouver, Canada.
  • *Cerezo, A., *Matus, T., *Schug, R., *Chovan, S., *Bravo, C., *Dovlatyan, A., *Juarez, L., & Cachelin, F. (2003, May). Psychiatric comorbidity among White and Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver, CO.
  • Dohm, F. A., Cachelin, F. M., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2003, May). Gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and the judgment of food amounts. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver, CO.
  • *Matus, T., Cachelin, F., *Cerezo, A., *Chovan, S., *Bravo, C., *Schug, R., & *Juarez, L. (2003, May). Fairy-tale identification in Mexican American and White women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Vancouver, Canada.
  • *Matus, T., Cachelin, F., *Cerezo, A., *Chovan, S., *Bravo, C., *Schug, R., & *Juarez, L. (2003, May). Telling fairy tales: Revelations from Mexican American and Euroamerican women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver, CO.
  • Cachelin, F., *Schug, R., *Bravo, C., *Chovan, S., *Matus, T., *Cerezo, A., *Gamez, A., & Striegel-Moore, R. (2002, November). Barriers to treatment for Mexican American women with eating disorders. Poster presented at the Eating Disorder Research Society meeting, Charleston, SC.
  • *Chovan, S., Cachelin, F., *Matus, T., *Cerezo, A., *Bravo, C., *Schug, R., & *Gamez, A. (2002, November). Acculturation and eating disorders among Mexican American women. Poster presented at the Eating Disorder Research Society meeting, Charleston, SC.
  • *Schug, R., *Gamez, A., *Bravo, C., *Matus, T., *Chovan, S., *Cerezo, A., & Cachelin, F. (2002, November). Sexual abuse and eating disorders: A comparison between Mexican American and Euroamerican White women. Poster presented at the Eating Disorder Research Society meeting, Charleston, SC.
  • Cachelin, F., *Rebeck, R., *Chung, G., & *Pelayo, E. (2002, April). Dieting in ethnic minority groups: Adverse correlates of dieting amongst Hispanic, Asian, Black, and White women and men. Paper presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Boston, MA.
  • *Gamez, A., *Bravo, C., *Pelayo, E., & Cachelin, F. (2002, April). Disordered eating and acculturation in Hispanic and Asian women. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Irvine, CA.
  • *Matus, T., *Chovan, S., *Pelayo, E., & Cachelin, F. (2002, April). Women's perceptions of food amount. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Irvine, CA.
  • *Rebeck, R., Cachelin, F., *Pelayo, E., & Dohm, F. (2002, April). Food amount ratings among ethnically diverse women. Poster presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Boston, MA. 
  • *Rebeck, R., Cachelin, F. M., *Chung, G., *Orozco, P., *Pelayo, E., & Gottschalk, R. (2001, May). Male and female dieters among ethnically diverse groups. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Maui, HI.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Chung. G., *Rebeck R., *Orozco, P., *Pelayo, E., & *Veisel, C. (2000, November). Characteristics of dieters of various ethnic groups. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Long Beach, CA.
  • *Rebeck, R., Cachelin, F. M., *Chung, G., *Orozco, P., *Pelayo, E., & *Jimenez, M. (2000, October). Body size preferences across ethnic groups. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Long Beach, CA.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Rebeck, R., *Veisel, C., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2000, May). Treatment seeking and eating disorders in women of different ethnic groups. Paper presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY. Recognition as Junior Researcher “Stand-Out.”
  • *Rebeck, R., Cachelin, F. M., & *Veisel, C. (2000, April). Treatment seeking for eating disorders among ethnically diverse women. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Portland, OR.
  • Cachelin, F. M., *Rebeck, R., *Veisel, C., & Striegel-Moore, R. H. (2000, March). Treatment seeking for eating disorders among ethnically diverse women. Paper presented at University of California, Riverside, CA.
  • *Lewis, D. M., & Cachelin, F. M. (1999, June). Women over fifty: Body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness still evident. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), San Diego, CA.
  • *Veisel, C., & Cachelin, F. M. (1999, June). Disordered eating, acculturation, and treatment seeking in an ethnically diverse community sample of women. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED), San Diego, CA.
  • Cachelin, F. M., & Maher, B. A. (1996, November). Purging behavior as indicator of psychopathology in anorexia nervosa. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT), New York, NY.
  • Mahamedi-Cachelin, F., & Maher, B. A. (1996, June). Subclinical maladjustment and body distortion in dieters. Poster session presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society (APS), San Francisco, CA.
  • Mahamedi-Cachelin, F., & Maher, B. A. (1996, April). Is amenorrhea a critical criterion for anorexia? Poster session presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY. Winner of award for poster excellence.

*denotes student co-author

Grants & Awards



National Institutes of Health Minorities in Biomedical Research (8/09-6/13), PI, $1,282,238

National Institutes of Health Minorities in Biomedical Research (7/01-6/04), PI, $230,726


Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund, UNC Charlotte (2014-15), $5,000

Faculty Research Grant, UNC Charlotte (7/13-12/14), $12,000

CLAS SEED Grant, UNC Charlotte (Spring 2013), $1,000

SEED Grant, California State University, Los Angeles (9/06-12/06), $3,920

Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award, Calif. State Univ. (3/99-6/99), $9,904


International Women’s Day Honoree, UNC Charlotte (2014) – for contributions to women’s health in a global community

Distinguished Women Award, California State University, Los Angeles (2007) - for mentorship of students and significant contributions to women’s health issues

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (2004)

Professional activities

  • Member, Advance HE Governance Strategic Advisory Group (2023-)
  • Board Member, Open University Worldwide, UK (2019-23 )
  • Member, UK Health Education Advisory Committee, Office for Students, UK (2019-22)
  • Member, Future Nurse Oversight Board, UK (2019-20)
  • Member, Governance and Finance Review Group, Council of Deans of Health, UK (2018-19)
  • Board of Governors Member, London Design & Engineering University Technical College, UK (2017-19)
  • Program Reviewer, Department of Psychology, Cleveland State University, OH (2017)
  • Board Member, Historic Rural Hill, Huntersville, NC (2016-17)
  • Board Member, Charlotte Secondary School, NC (2016-17)
  • Board Member, National Board of Examiners in Optometry (2016)
  • Participant, Cultural Leadership Training Program, Arts & Science Council, Charlotte, NC (2015-16)
  • Advisory Board Member, Obesity Summit, London, UK (2016-17)
  • Session Chair, Obesity Summit, London, UK (April 2016)
  • Panelist, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (2016)
  • Research Affiliate, Women + Girls Research Alliance, UNC Charlotte (2015-17)
  • External reviewer, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel (2015)
  • Content expert for grant application to NIH, University of Michigan (2011)
  • External reviewer for tenure and promotion candidate, University of Rochester (2010)
  • Associate Editor, Behavioral Medicine (2014- )
  • Editorial Board Member, Eating Behaviors (2017- )
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Eating Disorders (2013-22)
  • Editorial Board Member, Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research & Practice (2013-16)
  • Editorial Board Member, Austin Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (2014-15)
  • London Healthcare Education Group, Member
  • UK Council of Deans, Member
  • American Psychological Association, Member
  • American Psychological Society, Fellow
  • Eating Disorder Research Society, Fellow
  • International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, Member

Ad hoc reviewer:

  • American Journal of Psychiatry
  • American Sociological Review
  • Appetite
  • Behaviour Research and Therapy
  • Body Image
  • Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
  • Ethnicity & Disease
  • European Eating Disorders Review
  • Family & Community Health
  • International Journal of Eating Disorders
  • International Journal of Obesity
  • Journal of Adolescence
  • Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
  • Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
  • Obesity Research
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Psychology of Women Quarterly
  • Sex Roles
  • Social Behavior and Personality
  • Women’s Health Issues



Abnormal Psychology

Behavior Disorders of Children (graduate)

Capstone Seminar: Body Image and Eating Behaviors

Child Psychopathology

Health Psychology

Personality Psychology

Research Methods (I and II)

Sophomore Tutorial in general psychology

Teaching of Psychology (graduate)