Professor Joanne Lusher

Director (People)


Professional Biography

Professor Joanne Lusher (Jo) joined Regent’s University London in 2021 as an Academic Director (People) and a Member of the Provost’s Group. Jo is responsible for providing cross-disciplinary leadership, management, mentoring and coaching to deliver on Regent’s mission to develop tomorrow’s global leaders. Jo co-led the design and validation of a BA (Hons) in Psychology under the new curriculum model; she was a member of the Research Degrees Operational Group; and the Research Review Project Group where she co-led two research workstreams: Intellectual community and environment and Developmental toolkit for academics. Jo is currently the Academic Staff Development Lead for Regent’s and works across a range of other university-wide initiatives. She is also the Research, Quality and Ethics Lead for DPsych (OU and Wales) Programmes. With 19 successful completions and 8 current doctoral supervisees, Jo continues her keen interest in supervising research.

Having worked as an Academic within Higher Education for over 20 years, Jo has held several leadership roles. She was formerly the PGR Lead and the Academic and Professional Lead for Health and Life Sciences at the University of the West of Scotland, London Campus (2017-2021) following her appointment as Director of Programmes for Professional Doctorate Training in Health Psychology at London Metropolitan University (2011-2017). She became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2013 and Senior Fellowship (SFHEA) was awarded to her in 2016. She was nominated for a Student-Led Teaching Award in 2012 and a University Teaching Fellowship (UTF) was awarded to her in 2016.

Dedicated to improving the student learning experience, Jo has spent much of her academic career researching various pedagogical conundrums. In 2019 she received a Learning and Teaching Enhancement Fund (LTEF) grant to carry out a project aimed at improving students' understanding and use of assessment feedback. Jo has worked on several collaborative projects, including the HEFCE-funded Assessment Plus Project; the CLaSS Project; the CETL Write Now Project; and the HEA-funded Authorship project.

Jo is a Health Psychologist Registered with the Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Chartered (CPsychol) by the British Psychological Society (BPS). She is also a Chartered Scientist (CSci) with The Science Council. As an Associate Fellow of the BPS (AFBPsS), Jo is a Registered Applied Psychology Practice Supervisor (RAPPS), with Registered Competence in Psychological Testing (RCPT). She is a Member of the Associated Stress Consultants (MASC) having Diplomas in both Life Coaching and NLP.

Her current external appointments include Head of Supervision for BPS Stage 2 Training in Health Psychology; HCPC Lead Visitor (Partner) and Registration Appeals Panel Member; She is External Examiner at the University of Chichester and the University of Derby. Previous external positions include External Examiner University of Bedfordshire; External Assessor Middlesex University; Examiner for Mykolas Romeris, City, and London South Bank Universities; External Speaker for CIEE and the University of Kent; BPS Mapping Task Consultant; Reviewer for various publishers and grant awarding bodies including Pearson; Wiley; CUP; SAGE; BMJ; MDPI; Elsevier; ESRC and The Wellcome Trust.

With a PhD in Psychology awarded to her in 2005, Jo continues her passion for research and is a current collaborator on several international research projects; including The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Oral Health Initiative (OHI) Team; and the Mental Health and Wellness Study Group (MEHEWE) that, with support from Africa’s CDC and the WHO Regional Office for Africa, seeks to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the ongoing financial, medical, and social welfare of adults across the globe.

Jo's research outputs include over 150 publications in peer-reviewed and international papers, conference presentations and books. She has appeared on live broadcasts as an expert Psychologist and her biographical profile is listed in the Dictionary of International Biography; The Cambridge Blue Book; and Who's Who in the World®.


Journal Articles

  1. Lusher, J., and Martin, G.N., (1998) Disgust and the neuropsychology of face perception. The Psychologist, 1, 33.
  2. Lusher, J., Ebersole, L., and Ball, D., (2000). Dopamine D4 receptor gene and severity of dependence. Addiction Biology, 5, 469-472.
  3. Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Ball, D., (2001). Dopamine D4 Receptor gene (DRD4) is associated with Novelty Seeking (NS) and substance abuse: The saga continues… Molecular Psychiatry, 6, 497-499.
  4. Lusher, J., (2001). Report on annual conference of BPS division of health psychology: social stress, social support and susceptibility to infectious disease: Keynote speech Sheldon Cohen. Health Psychology Update, 10 (1), 38-40.
  5. Elander, J., and Lusher, J., (2001). Pain management experiences and pain coping styles among people with sickle cell disease (abstract). Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 9 (1), 53.
  6. Elander, J., Lusher, J., Bevan, D., and Telfar, P., (2003). Pain management and symptoms of substance dependence among patients with sickle cell disease. Social Science and Medicine, 57, 1683-1696.
  7. Elander, J., Lusher, J., Bevan, D., Telfar, P., and Burton, B., (2004). Understanding the causes of problematic pain management in sickle cell disease: Evidence that pseudoaddiction plays a more important role than genuine analgesic dependence. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 27 (2), 156-169.
  8. Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Ball, D., (2004). Alcohol dependence and the alcohol Stroop paradigm: Evidence and issues. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 75 (3), 225-231.
  9. Lusher, J., Elander, J., Bevan, D., Telfar, P., and Burton, B., (2006). Analgesic addiction and pseudoaddiction in painful chronic illness, The Clinical Journal of Pain, 22 (3), 316-324.
  10. Lusher, J., (2008). How workshops can be used to improve performance in student assessment. Health Psychology Update, 16 (1-2), 34-38.
  11. Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Ball, D., (2009). The DRD4 gene influences attentional bias in heroin abusers and cigarette smokers. Open Addiction Journal, 2 (6), 6-11.
  12. Pittam, G., Elander, J., Lusher, J., Fox, P., and Payne, N. (2009). Student beliefs and attitudes about authorial identity in academic writing. Studies in Higher Education, 34 (2), 153-170.
  13. Elander, J., Pittam, G., Lusher, J., Fox, P., and Payne, N., (2010). Evaluation of an intervention to help students avoid unintentional plagiarism by improving their authorial identity. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 35 (2), 157-171.
  14. Brooke, J. and Lusher, J. (2012). The components of the common-sense model of self-regulation revisited: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Scientific Conference on Nursing and Health Research Proceedings, 5, 91-99.
  15. Brooke, J., and Lusher, J. (2014) Exploration of transfer anxiety of patients transferred from a hype acute stroke unit to a stroke ward: A pilot study of participants following the London Stroke Care Pathway. Cerebrovascular Disease 37, 1, 315.
  16. Boguslawska, B. and Lusher, J. (2014) Motivation and perceived barriers of blood donation: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Health Psychology Update, 23, (2), 3-10.
  17. Gavriloff, D., and Lusher, J. (2015) Social anxiety and mindfulness in online gamers. The Computer Games Journal, 4 (1) 123-132.
  18. Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2015). The therapeutic implications of smoke-able DMT as an adjunct to CBT for poly-substance drug users, Psychedelic Press UK Journal, 6, 19-29.
  19. Clarke, T., and Lusher, J. (2016) Transitioning patients with inflammatory bowel disease from adolescent to adult services: A systematic review of the literature. Frontline Gastroenterology, 7, 264–270. doi:10.1136/flgastro-2015-100575.
  20. Deane, J., and Lusher, J., (2016) Mindfulness as a tool for weight loss in overweight and obese populations. Health Psychology Update, 25 (1), 27-32.
  21. Twyford, J., and Lusher, J. (2016) Determinants of exercise behaviour and intention in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health, early online 1-7. DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2015.1124399.
  22. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., and Athanasiadou-Lewis, C., (2016) Grief, after death communications and childhood abuse: Two substance use case reports, Journal of Addiction, Research and Therapy, 7, 265, 1-5. doi:10.4172/2155-6105.1000265.
  23. Collison, D., Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2016) Relationships between age, self-esteem and attitudes towards alcohol use amongst university students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 60, 2, 16-34.
  24. Vore, D., Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2016) Vulnerabilities towards obsessive compulsive disorder in relation to cognition and stress amongst British, Iranian, and Lithuanian adolescents. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/17542863.2016.1170864.
  25. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., and Morgan, W., (2016) Male sexual aggressors in the British prison service: An exploratory study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Early Online, 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s11469-016-9678-y.
  26. Peters, M., Lusher, J., Banbury, S., and Chandler, C., (2016). Relationships between co-sleeping, breastfeeding and somatic complaints among pre-school children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 37, 5, 1-10. DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21583.
  27. Murray, E., Kutzer, Y., and Lusher, J. (2016) Dentists’ experiences of treating dentally anxious patients in a specialist setting: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1359105316666655.
  28. Anastasi, N., Lusher, J., and Chandler, C. (2017) Proportion of time spent delivering support predicts stop smoking advisor quit rate independently of training, experience and education. Journal of Smoking Cessation, doi:10.1017/jsc.2016.28.
  29. Clarke, T., and Lusher, J. (2017) UK Adolescents’ willingness to try electronic cigarettes, Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 26, 3, 175-182.
  30. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., Athanasiadou-Lewis, C., and Turner, J., (2017) The use of cognitive behavioural therapy on two case reports of paraphilic infantilism, substance misuse and childhood abuse. MOJ Addiction Medicine and Therapy, 3, 2: 00033. DOI: 10.15406/mojamt.2017.03.00033.
  31. Oladayo, A., Bunce, L., Lusher, J., and Banbury, S., (2017) Postnatal depression, maternal-infant bonding and social support: A cross-cultural comparison of Nigerian and British mothers. Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2017.1340595.
  32. Anastasi, N., and Lusher, J., (2017). The impact of breast cancer awareness campaigns on breast screening uptake in British women: A systematic review. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/1359105317697812.
  33. Mackenzie, J., Murray, E., and Lusher, J., (2017) Women’s experiences of pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle Pain: A systematic review. Midwifery,
  34. Wehling, H., and Lusher, J. (2017) People with a BMI ≥30 under-report their dietary intake. A systematic review. Journal of Health Psychology, DOI: 10.1177//1359105317714318.
  35. Lusher, J., Murray, E., and Chapman-Jones, D., (2017) Changing the way we think about wounds: A challenge for 21st century medical practice. International Wound Journal, 1-2. DOI: 10.1111/iwj.12866.
  36. Vigodny, A., Banbury, S., and Lusher, J. (2018) Relationships between procrastination, sexual orientation conscientiousness and depression. Archives of Psychology, 2(4), 1-15.
  37. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., and Guedhela, F., (2018) Portugal’s 2001 drugs liberalisation policy: A UK service provider’s perspective. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 62(1)27-45.
  38. Lusher, J., and Murray, E., (2018) Contested pain: Managing the invisible symptom. International Journal of Global Health, 1:2, 1-2. DOI: 10.4172/IJGH.1000105.
  39. Skerry, A., Lusher, J., and Banbury, S., (2018) Electronic cigarette users lack intention to quit vaping. MOJ Addiction Medicine and Therapy, 5, 2, 204-207. DOI: 10.15406/mojamt.2018.05.00121. ISSN: 2573-2935.
  40. Edwards, S., Lusher, J., Banbury and Visick, A., (2018). The psychosocial impact of alopecia on Women: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Women’s Health Journal, August 2018.
  41. Constance, J., Lusher, J., and Murray, E., (2019) The use of smokeless tobacco amongst South Asian communities, MOJ Addiction Medicine and Therapy, 6, 1, 49-53. DOI: 10.15406/mojamt.2019.06.00146.
  42. Whippy, N., and Lusher, J., (2019) The influence of cessation aid on predicting weight change during smoking cessation. MOJ Addiction Medicine and Therapy, 6, 1, 55-60. DOI: 10.15406/mojamt.2019.06.00147.
  43. Edwards, S., Lusher, J., and Murray, E., (2019) The lived experience of obese people who feel they are addicted to food. International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, 5, 2, 79-87.
  44. Whippy, N., and Lusher, J., (2019) A systematic review of the literature examining conflicting attitudes towards driver safety and legislations towards people with epilepsy. International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, 5, 2, 88-94.
  45. Wehling, H., and Lusher, J., (2019) Food-related thinking styles and cultural influences on weight gain. International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, 5, 2, 104-108.
  46. Wehling, H., and Lusher, J., (2019) Cognitive and emotional influences on eating behaviour: A qualitative perspective. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights, 1-6, DOI: 10.1177/1178638819855936.
  47. Evans, G., Lusher, J., and Day, S., (2019) Relevant and faithful under the microscope. The Accountant, August 2019.
  48. Chapman-Jones, D., and Lusher, J., (2019) Possible wider implications and clinical value of commercially sponsored evaluations: Discussion on recent methodology. Journal of Wound Care. 28, 8, 1-8.
  49. Lusher, J., and Chapman-Jones, D., (2019) Biological clocks: Is it time for a closer watch on skin healing? Global Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, 1, 4, 73-75. DOI: GJAPM.MS.ID.000117.
  50. Lusher, J. (2020) Who’s wound is it anyway? International Wound Journal, 17, 4, 1092-3, DOI: 10.1111/iwj.13372.
  51. Lusher, J., and Djatmika, C., (2020) Living with a caesarean section wound: A mini review. International Wound Journal, 17, 4, 1094-6, DOI: 10.1111/iwj.13373.
  52. Lusher, J., Murrell, A., Changa, B., Mafuva, C., Awire E., and Chapman-Jones, D. (2020). Unquestionable wound pain: Call for a care plan reform. Global Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, 3, 2, 248-250. DOI: 10.32474/GJAPM.2020.03.000157.
  53. Lusher, J., Collins, G., and Chapman-Jones, D. (2020) COVID-19: Preparing adequate psychological support for healthcare workers during and after the pandemic. Nursing Management, 12th May 2020.
  54. Lusher, J., Murrell, A., Mafuva, C., and Awire, E., (2020) COVID-19 pandemic and the surge of panic attacks among NHS nursing staff: An ethnographical perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76, 11, 2790-1.
  55. Constance, J., and Lusher, J. (2020) Diabetes management interventions for homeless adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. International Journal of Public Health, 65, 1773-83.
  56. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., S., and Chandler, C. (2021) Mindfulness-based therapies for men and women with sexual dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sexual and Relationship Therapy,
  57. Lusher, J., Clements, H and Stevens, E. (2021) A qualitative insight into time-poor/grade-hungry students’ perceptions of using assessment criteria and feedback in assignment writing. Nurse Education Today, 104, 104999.
  58. Evans, G., Lusher, J., and Day, S., (2021) Completeness of the Qualitative Characteristics using Foucauldian critical discourse analysis and content analysis paradigms: towards a revised Conceptual Framework. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, ahead-of-print
  59. Folayan, M., […], Lusher, J., […], (2021) Factors associated with financial security, food security and quality of daily lives of residents in Nigeria during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 7925. 1-13. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157925.
  60. Lusher, J., et al (2021) Mental health and coping contingencies during COVID-19 restrictions among UK Adults. International Journal of Health and Psychology Research, 9, 3, 16-26.
  61. Djatmika, C., Lusher, J., Meyrick, J., and Byron-Daniel, J. and (2021) Caesarean section as an informed choice in the UK: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis of women’s narratives. British Journal of Midwifery, 29, 1, 579-588.
  62. Lusher, J. (2021) Diabetes, homelessness, and COVID-19 lockdowns: A precarious mix. International Journal of Diabetes Management, 1, 1, 11-14. ISSN 2564-324.
  63. Lusher, J., and Cameron, D., (2021) How to manage type 2 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Let’s hear the patient’s voice. European Medical Journal: Diabetes, 9, 1, 60-63.
  64. Cameron, D., and Lusher, J., (2021) A multi-case study showcasing why patients, caregivers and health care providers need better diabetes management education, Diabetic Medicine, Preprint.
  65. Folayan MO, Ibigbami O, Aly NM. […], Lusher, J., […], (2021) Associations between sexual orientation, financial security and relationships with family and peers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria [version 1; AAS Open Research, 4, 52,
  66. Okumagba, M., Awire, E., and Lusher, J. (2021) Overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic in low-resource settings: A focus on Nigeria and proposal for a population-based chloroquine strategy, PREPRINT.
  67. Welsh, L., and Lusher, J., (2022) A reflexive thematic analysis of the patterns of knowing in wound management amongst specialist and generalist nurses, Nursing Forum, 1-16. doi:10.1111/nuf.12691.
  68. Ellakany, P., [...], Lusher, J., [...], (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student’ sleep patterns, sexual activity, screen use, and food intake: a global survey. PLOS ONE,
  69. Gonçalves, B.E., Harkess-Murphy, E., Cund, A., Lusher, J., and Sime, C., (2022) Exploring the psychosocial impact of people living with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease attending palliative care services. BMJ: Supportive and Palliative Care, 12, 1, A1-A23. DOI: 10.1136spcare-2021-MCRC.9.
  70. Folayan, M., […] Lusher, J., […] (2022) Factors associated with COVID-19 pandemic induced post-traumatic stress symptoms among adults living with and without HIV in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study, BMC Psychiatry, 22, 48,
  71. Folayan, M., [...], Lusher, J., [...], (2022) Differences in COVID-19 preventive behavior and food insecurity by HIV status in Nigeria. AIDS and Behavior, August, DOI: 10.1007/5/10461-021-03433-3.
  72. Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2022) Micro-dosing psychedelics as a plausible adjunct to psychosexual and couple’s therapy: A qualitative insight. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1-14
  73. Folayan, MO., […], Lusher, J., […], (2022) Factors associated with experiences of fear, anxiety, depression, and changes in sleep pattern during the COVID-19 pandemic among adults in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Mental Health, 10, DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.779498. ISSN=2296-2565.
  74. Dobbin, C., and Lusher, J., (2022) Examining rates of intimate partner surveillance and support services during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Health Visiting, 10, 2,
  75. Duku, E.M., Lusher and Banbury, S., (2022) Health visitors’ lived experiences supporting women with perinatal mental health problems, Journal of Health Visiting, 10, 6, 246-258.
  76. Folayan, MO., […], Lusher, J., […], (2022) Associations between COVID-19 status, non-communicable disease status and HIV status among residents of sub-Saharan Africa during the first wave of the pandemic, BMC Infectious Diseases, 22, 535, 1-11.
  77. Folayan, MO., Ibigbami, O., and Lusher, J. (2022) Associations between resilience, self-esteem, HIV status and sexual identity among residents in Nigeria, Scientific African, e01333 ISSN 2468-2276,
  78. Banbury, S., Sidorova, P., Lusher, J., and Nercessian, TJ., (2022) The theory of planned behaviour as a predictor of intention to engage in BDSM and vanilla sex, International Journal of Impotence Research, 19 August 2022, Preprint (Version 1)/
  79. Foloyan, MO., […], Lusher, J., […] (2022) Associations between emotional distress, sleep changes, decreased tooth brushing frequency, self-reported oral ulcers and SARS-Cov-2 infection during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A global survey, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 11550. Https:// ijerph191811550.
  80. Folayan, MO., Olonininyi, IO., Nwakamma, I., Stevens-Murphy, EJ., Undelikwo, G., and Lusher, J. (2022) Associations between sexual identity, living with disability, bully victimisation, and HIV status and intimate partner violence among residents in Nigeria. BMC Public Health, 22: 1756,
  81. Folayan, MO., […] Lusher, J., […], (2022) Is self-reported depression, HIV status, COVID-19 health risk profile and SARS-CoV-2 exposure associated with difficulty in adhering to COVID-19 prevention measures among residents in West Africa? BMC Public Health, 22, 2057, 1-11.
  82. Folayan, MO., […] Lusher, J., […], (2022) Fear of contagion, emotional stress and coping strategies used by adults during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria, BMC Psychiatry, 22, 732, 1-11.
  83. Folayan, MO., Stevens-Murphy, EJ., Nwakamma, I, Lusher, J., and Olononiyi, IO., (2022) Whose rights are being violated when receiving HIV and sexual and reproductive health services in Nigeria? BMC Health Services Research, 22, 1444. 1-12.
  84. Folayan, MO, Oginni O, Ibigbami OI, […], Lusher, J., et al., (2022). Associations between mental health and HIV status among sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents in Nigeria. BMJ Global Health, 7, e010231,
  85. Smart, H., Midouhas, E., and Lusher, J. (2022) Social media use and adolescents’ self-esteem and appearance satisfaction: The moderating role of school motivation, International Journal of Frontline Research in Science and Technology, 1, 2, 001-013,
  86. Banbury, S., Chandler, C., Nercessian, T-R., and Lusher, J., (2022) A systematic review of alcohol use and sexual dysfunction across genders, International Journal of Frontline Research in Science and Technology, 1, 2, 014-029,
  87. MacNicol, Y., Lusher, J., Banbury, S., and Roberts, N., (2022) Parents’ narratives toward smoking in the home following a second-hand smoke story-telling education intervention. MOJ Addiction, Medicine, and Therapy, 7(1):7‒13. DOI:
  88. Folayan, MO, […], Lusher, J., et al., (2023). A multi-country survey on access to healthcare and treatment services among individuals with critical medical care needs during the first wave of the pandemic. BMC Public Health, 23, 90. 1-10.
  89. Quadri, MFA., Lusher, J., et al., (2023) Factors associated with an increase in tobacco use and alcohol drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study of data from 105 countries, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 21, 14, 1-10.
  90. Folayan, MO, Abeldaño Zuñiga, RA., Virtanen, J., Ezechi, O., Aly, N., Lusher, J., Nguyen, A., and Tantawi, M., (2023). Psychosocial factors associated with memory complaints during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country survey, Brain Sciences, 13, 249, 1-11.
  91. Lusher, J. Abeldaño Zuñiga, R.A. Virtanen, J.I. Ellakany, P.; Yousaf, M.A.; Osamika, B.E.; Gaffar, B. Lawal, F.B. Khalid, Z. Aly, N.M. et al. (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on the Emotion of People Living with and without HIV. Hygiene, 3, 33-44.
  92. Folayan, MO, Abeldaño Zuñiga, RA., Virtanen, J., Ezechi, O., Aly, N., Lusher, J., Nguyen, A., Tantawi, M., (2023). Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Emotional Distress, Transactional Sex, and Psychoactive Substance Use during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. BioMed. 3, 113–124.
  93. Grant, A., Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2023) Perceptions of parental substance misuse among social workers working with children and families, International Journal of Frontline Research in Science and Technology, 2, 1, 001-013.
  94. Juul, E., Banbury, S., Visick, A., Lusher, J., and Aydogan, C., (2023) A qualitative study examining the effects of transitioning on sexual experiences of trans-male individuals. Interpersonal: International Journal of Frontline Research in Science and Technology, 2, 1, 14-23,
  95. Lusher, J., et al., (2023) HIV private care services in Nigeria expose constraints on healthcare systems, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 10, 1, 308-320.
  96. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., and Henton, I., (2023) A preliminary study examining the relationship between postpartum depression and postpartum support: Expatriate and non-expatriate comparisons. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 10, 1, 326-332.
  97. Folayan, MO, […] Lusher, J., et al, (2023) Associations between mental health and COVID-19 status among 18- and 19-year-old adolescents: A multi-country study, Adolescents, 3, 131-140.
  98. Banbury, S., Chandler, C., and Lusher, J., (2023) A systematic review exploring the effectiveness of mindfulness for sexual functioning in Women with Cancer, Psych, 5, 1, 194-208.
  99. Yalcinkaya, E., Banbury, S., Visick, A., Lusher, J., and Chandler, C. (2023) Men who have sex with robot dolls: A Foucauldian discourse analysis, World Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 17, 3, 195-205.
  100. Folayan, MO., Abeldaño Zuñiga, RA, Virtanen, JI, Ezechi, OC, Aly, NM, Lusher, J., Nguyen, A., El Tantawi, M. (2023) Associations between HIV status, SARS-CoV-2 infection,
    increase in use of psychoactive substances and oral ulcers among people who used psychoactive substances during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hygiene, 3, 85–92.
  101. Folayan, MO., Lusher, J., (2023) A qualitative insight into researchers’ perceptions of gender inequality in medical and dental research institutions in Nigeria. PLOS ONE, 18, 4, 1-15, e0283756.  
  102. Smart, H., Lodge, R., and Lusher, J., (2023) Experiences of parenting multiple expressions of relationally challenging childhood behaviours across contexts, Encyclopedia: Social Sciences, 3(2), 549-560;
  103. Ibigbami, OI., Folayan, MO., Oginni, O., Lusher, J., and Sam-Agudu, NA. (2023) Moderating effects of resilience and self-esteem on associations between self-reported oral health problems, quality of oral health, and mental health among adolescents and adults in Nigeria. PLOS ONE, 18, 5,
  104. Folayan, MO., Abeldaño Zuñiga, RA., Aly, NM. […] Lusher, J., et al., (2023) Differences in adoption of COVID-19 pandemic related preventive behaviour by viral load suppression status among people living with HIV during the first wave of the pandemic. BMC Research Notes 16, 90.
  105. Folayan, M.O., Zuñiga, R.A.A., Virtanen, J.I. […] Lusher, J., et al., (2023) A multi-country study of the associations between HIV vulnerability status, perception of COVID-19 related stigma and post-traumatic stress symptoms during the first wave of the pandemic. BMC Public Health 23, 1025.
  106. Ellakany, P., Folayan, M.O., El Tantawi, M. Lusher, J., et al. (2023) Associations between depression, fear of COVID-19 infection and students’ self-care measures used during the first wave of the pandemic. BMC Public Health 23, 1047, 1-8.
  107. Zuñiga RAA, Melendez, C., Folayan, MO, […] Lusher, J., et al., (2023): Social media information and its association with the adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures in four Latin American countries, Review of Communication, 23, 3, 247-262.
  108. Lusher, J., Henton, I., and Banbury S., (2023) A review of assessment and feedback in post-pandemic professional healthcare education. Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research: Innovation in Healthcare Education, 3, 3, 13.
  109. Folayan, M.O., Abeldaño Zuñiga, R.A., Virtanen, J.I. […]., Lusher, J., et al. (2023) A multi-country survey of the socio-demographic factors associated with adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health 23, 1413.
  110. Soylemez, K., Lusher, J., and Rachitskiy, M., (2023) A review of the literature on the on the complex relationship that exists between stigma and naturism. World Journal of Advanced Research and Review, 19, 1, 1326–1335.
  111. Folayan, M.O., Ibigbami, O., El Tantawi, M. […] Lusher, J., et al. (2023) Associations between mental health challenges, sexual activity, alcohol consumption, use of other psychoactive substances and use of COVID-19 preventive measures during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. BMC Public Health 23, 1506.
  112. Folayan, M.O., Zuñiga, R.A.A., Virtanen, J.I. […] Lusher, J., et al. Risk indicators for oral ulcers among people living with HIV during the first wave of the pandemic: a cross sectional study. BMC Oral Health 23, 600 (2023).
  113. Ehizele, A.O., Afolabi, A.O., Nnawuihe, U.C., Alade, O.T., Lusher, J., et al. (2023) A scoping review of early childhood caries experience assessment tools used for studies in Nigeria. BioMed, 3, 400-419.
  114. Ibigbami, O.I., Oginni, O.A., Bradley, C. […] Lusher, J., et al. A cross-sectional study on resilience, anxiety, depression, and psychoactive substance use among heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in Nigeria. BMC Public Health 23, 1759 (2023).
  115. Lusher, J., and Faulkner, N., (2023) Oncology departments – where are all the psychologists? Journal of Clinical Oncology and Therapeutics, 4, 2, 130-131.
  116. Soylemez, K., Lusher, J., and Rachitskiy, M., (2023) A qualitative insight into the experiences of naturists perceived stigma towards naturism. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 16, 3, 148–161.
  117. Magee, A., and Lusher, J. (2023) Healthcare professionals’ experiences of end-of-life care: A review of the literature, Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research, 3, 4, 22.
  118. Thomas, M., Banbury,S., Lusher, J., and Chandler, C. (2023) Age-hypogamy, emotional intelligence, sexual self-efficacy, and subjective happiness associations, Sexual and Relationship Therapy,
  119. Banbury, S., Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Zervoulis, K. (2023). A pilot RCT of an online mindfulness-based cognitive intervention for chemsex. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 00, 1–12.

Books, Book Chapters, eBooks

  1. Norton, L., Harrington, K., Elander, J., Sinfield, S., Lusher, J., Reddy, P., Aiyegbayo, O., and Pitt, E., (2005). Supporting students to improve their essay writing through assessment criteria focused workshops. In C. Rust (Ed.), Improving Student Learning 12. Diversity and Inclusivity (pp 159-174). Oxford: OCSLD.
  2. Harrington, K., Norton, L., Elander, J., Lusher, J., Aiyegbayo, O., Pitt, E., Robinson, H., and Reddy, P., (2006). Using core assessment criteria to improve essay writing. In C. Bryan and K. Clegg (Eds), Innovative Assessment in Higher Education. London: Taylor and Francis Group.
  3. Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Ball, D., (2007). A contemporary investigation into vulnerability factors of alcoholism: A distinct substance of abuse. In R. Yoshida (Ed.), Trends in Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Research., New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  4. Lusher, J., (2010). Vulnerability to Substance Dependence. Germany: VDM Verlag.
  5. Murray, E., and Lusher, J., (2018) Leaps, jumps and hoops: From evaluating cardiac rehabilitation interventions to identifying causal factors underlying substance dependency. SAGE Research Methods Cases. ISBN: 9781526439192. DOI:
  6. Lusher. J and Sterland, O. (2022) The peaks and troughs of collecting primary and secondary data online: From encouraging a scientific mindset when systematically reviewing business literature to understanding mental health during COVID 19 through a survey approach. SAGE Research Methods Doing Research Online, ISBN: 9781529603163. DOI http://dx.doi,org/10.413/9781529603163.
  7. Folayan, MO., Ibigbami, O., Brown, B., El Tantawi, M., Aly, NO., Ezechi, OC., Abeldaño,GF., Ara, E., Ayanore, MA., Ellakany, P., Gaffar, B., Al-Khanati, NM., Idigbe, I., Jafer, M., Khan, AT-U., Khalid, Z., Lawal, FB., Lusher, J., Nzimande, NP., Popoola, BO., Quadri, MFA., Roque, M., Al-Tammemi, AB., Yousaf, MA., Virtanen, JI., Abeldaño Zuñiga, RA., Ndembi, N., Nkengasong, JN., Nguyen. AL., (2023) Factors Associated With Experiences of Fear, Anxiety, Depression, and Changes in Sleep Pattern During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Adults in Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study, In Smirnova, D., Fountoulakis, K. N., Gonda, X., Morgado, P., eds. (2023). COVID-19 Pandemic: Mental health, life habit changes and social phenomena. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. P,213-223. doi:
  8. Mboko, S., Phillips, O., Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2023) Using Thematic Analysis to apprehend teachers’ experiences of working with traumatised students. In (Eds) Progress in Education, Vol 78., pp. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  9. Lusher, J., and Henton, I., (2024) How-To-Guide on applying research ethics in online psychology research. SAGE Doing Research Online.
  10. Thomas, A., Lusher, J., and Sale, R., (2023) The application of template analysis in posttraumatic growth research among nurses working during a pandemic. In (Eds) Advances in Psychology Research, New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Conference Presentations

  1. Elander, J., and Lusher, J., (2000). Pain management experiences and pain coping styles among people with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Paper presented at BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, 6-8 September.
  2. Taurah, L., Lusher, J., and Chandler, C., (2001). Visual alcohol cues influence smoking Stroop performance. Poster presented at the BPS PsyPag Annual Conference, London, 23-25 July.
  3. Lusher, J., Chandler, C., and Ball, D., (2004). DRD4 and cue reactivity in substance abusers. Poster presented at the Fourth European Foundation of Psychiatry Meeting, Beyond Nature and Nurture Conference, London, 8-9 November.
  4. Clarke, T., and Lusher, J. (2015) Awareness and contact routes to the electronic cigarette in UK adolescents. Poster presented at the 16th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 17-21 March.
  5. Brooke, J., and Lusher, J. (2015) Rebuilding and restructuring the world following hyper acute assessment and treatment for an acute stroke. Paper presented at the RCN Annual International Nursing Research Conference, Nottingham, 20-22 April.
  6. Brooke, J., Lusher, J., and Semlyen, J., (2015) Exploration of hope within the hyper acute phase of stroke: a phenomenological analysis. Paper presented at the European Stroke Conference, Vienna, 13-15 May.
  7. Clarke, T., and Lusher, J. (2015) The e-cigarette: A new gateway to addiction? Paper presented at the Smoking Science Summit, London, 19-21 May.
  8. Banbury, S., and Lusher, J., (2015) Developing intercultural competency and integration amongst students: Encouraging a positive learning experience. London Metropolitan University Teaching and Learning Conference, London, 7 July.
  9. Anastasi, N., and Lusher, J., (2016) Analysis of NHS stop smoking advisor’s smoking history, level of training and impact on self-reported quit rate. Poster presented at the UK Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Conference, London, 9-10 June.
  10. Lusher, J., (2017) The role of research in informing our professional practice and shaping our career. Paper presented at the Student Research Conference, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, 29 November.
  11. Gonçalves, B., Sime, C., Lusher, J., and Harkess-Murphy, E., (2017) Palliative care: Exploring the experiences of patients with COPD, carers and family from a social and psychological perspective. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, 29 November.
  12. Evans, G., Lusher, J., and Day, S., (2017) Examination of the International Accounting Standards Board’s Qualitative Characteristics. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, 29 November.
  13. Wehling, H., and Lusher, J., (2018) Exploring the impact of food-related thinking styles on weight gain. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, London Metropolitan University, 11 April.
  14. Wehling, H., and Lusher, J., (2018) Exploring the nature, challenges and coping strategies of food-related thinking styles. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, London Metropolitan University, 11 April.
  15. Goncalves BE, Lusher J, and Sime C. (2020) Exploring healthcare needs and psychosocial impact of living with advanced COPD in palliative care. Poster presented at Healthcare League and Nursing Education Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 February.
  16. Goncalves, B., Lusher, J., and Sime, C., (2020) Exploring the psychosocial impact of living with chronic coronary obstructive pulmonary disease on those attending two different models of palliative care setting. Paper presented at the fourth international conference on chronic diseases, Paris, 17-18 February.
  17. Folayan, M., [et al.,] Lusher, J., [et al.,] (2021) Associations between COVID-19 status, non-communicable disease status and HIV status among residents of sub-Saharan Africa during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the inaugural Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA 2021), Virtual, 14-16 December.
  18. Gonçalves, B.E., Cund, A., Sime, C., Lusher, J., and Harkess-Murphy, E. (2022) Exploring the psychosocial impact of people living with advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease attending palliative care services. Oral poster presented at the Marie Curie Research Conference: Improving End of Life for all conference. Online, 30 January-4 February.
  19. Ibigbami, O., Oginni, O., Folayan, MO., Philip, U., Mfam, NN., Mbam, C., Ganyam, A., Salem, AA., Osuji, J., Bradley, O., Lusher, J., Sam-Agudu, N., (2022) Social discrimination and substance use among heterosexual and sexual minority Nigerian adolescents. Oral paper presented at the 25th World Congress of International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) Conference: Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Shaping the Future. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 5-9 December.
  20. Lusher, J., (2023) Gender and Culture Consciousness in Academic research, Oral presentation at the National Institute Medical Research (NIMR) sponsored Oral health for Development Bootcamp. Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 29 January-4 February.
  21. Lusher, J., (2023) The biopsychosocial model and its application to oral malodour. Nigerian Academy of Medical Specialities Symposium: Breath Science, Lagos, Nigeria, 14 June.

Online Resources

  1. Murray, E., and Lusher, J., (2018) Leaps, jumps and hoops: From evaluating cardiac rehabilitation interventions to identifying causal factors underlying substance dependency. SAGE Research Methods Cases,
  2. Lusher. J and Sterland, O., (2022) The peaks and troughs of collecting primary and secondary data online: From encouraging a scientific mindset when systematically reviewing business literature to understanding mental health during COVID 19 through a survey approach. SAGE Research Methods Doing Research Online, http://dx.doi,org/10.413/9781529603163.
  3. Lusher, J., and Henton, I., (2024) How-To-Guide on applying research ethics in online psychology research. SAGE Doing Research Online.

Film and Media

  1. Live broadcast: Appearance as expert psychologist Laid Bare: Obsessions and Addictions, National Film and Television School, London, 2008.
  2. Men’s Health Magazine: Report feature How #fitspiration makes you weak, Gabriella Block, 23 June 2015.
  3. The Times newspaper: Special report feature The future of healthcare: PTSD fears for frontline workers post-pandemic, Natalie Healey, 12 August 2020.
  4. Live podcast: The effects Instagram® has on body image and mental health in young women, Lara Holkamp, 23 May 2022.