Professor John Nuttall

Associate Provost

Professional Biography

John teaches theory, skills and research methods in the field and held the position of Head of School of Psychotherapy and Psychology for over a decade.

He is a professional psychotherapist in private practice, has had an extensive career in senior management in multi-national industry and commerce, and is a Certified Management Consultant and Chartered Marketer. John has written widely on management and psychotherapy and his special interests include psychotherapy integration, organisation theory, and the provision of counselling and psychotherapy in the community.

John is honorary psychotherapist and Chair of the charity West London Centre for Counselling, a major provider of therapeutic counselling in primary care, and has served on several professional and educational committees and panels at national and local level.  


  • PhD by published works in Psychotherapy, Middlesex University, 2004
  • Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy, Physis Centre for Qualitative Research, London, 2002
  • MA (dist) in Counselling and Psychotherapy, City University, London, 2001
  • Diploma in Counselling, Central School for Counselling and Therapy, London, 1997
  • PG Diploma in Industrial Administration, University of Aston, 1971
  • PG Diploma in Marketing, Birmingham College of Commerce, 1971
  • HND (dist) Business Studies, Birmingham College of Commerce, 1970

Relevant Past Employment

  • January 2021– current,  Professor of Integrative Psychotherapy and Visiting Lecturer, Regent's University London 
  • August 2015 – December 2021, Asst Faculty Dean for Research and Head of Regent’s School for Psychotherapy & Psychology, Regent's University London   
  • November 2009 – August 2015,  Head of School, Regent's School of Psychotherapy & Psychology, Regent's University London
  • April 2007 – October 2010, Programme Director Professional Programmes, Regent's School of Psychotherapy & Psychology, Regent's University London 
  • September 2002 – April 2007, Visiting Lecturer, Regent's School of Psychotherapy & Psychology, Regent's University London 
  • September 2003 – 2012, Visiting Lecturer and Trainer, MSc in Therapeutic Counselling, University of Greenwich      
  • July 2000 – current, psychotherapist, supervisor, mentor, private practice   
  • January 1997 – current, Chair, treasurer, and honorary psychotherapist, West London Centre for Counselling, London


  • Luca, M., Nuttall, J., Emillion, J., & Postings, T.  (2021).  Systematic review and grounded theory as a mixed method to develop a framework for counselling skills competencies.  in Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. June 2021
  • Luca, M., Marshall, C. & Nuttall, J. (2019).  Integrative theory and practice in psychological therapies– New directions. London: Open University Press.  
  • Nuttall, J. (2018) ‘Supreme Values Reside in the Soul’: Reflection on Values and Psychotherapy. Journal of Reflection on Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, 3.1, 3-8.
  • Nuttall, J (2017). Out in the Open Air: The Quest for Integration.  British Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.  Special Edition 13, 15-29.
  • Nuttall, J. (2017). Review of Karl Abraham: Life and Work, a Biography. Couples and Family Psychoanalysis 7(1) 123-127
  • Nuttall, J. (2016)  Guest Editorial of Special Issue on Sexual Oppression. Journal of Reflection on Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, 1.2, 2-3
  • Applegarth, G and Nuttall, J. (2016).  The Lived Experience of Transgender People of Talking Therapies.  International Journal of Transgenderism. 
  • Nuttall, J. (2016)  Modes of Therapeutic Relationship in the Rosarium Philosophorum.  Journal of Reflection on Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology, 1.1, 19-26.
  • Nuttall, J. (2016)  Working in Partnership with IAPT.  In Lees, J. (Ed.)  The Future of Psychological Therapy: From Managed Care to Transformational Practice.  London: Routledge.
  • Nuttall, J. (2014). Sexual Attraction in the Therapeutic Relationship - An Integrative Perspective.  In Luca, M. (Ed) Sexual Attraction in Therapy: Clinical Perspectives on Moving Beyond the Taboo - A Guide for Training and Practice. London: (Wiley).
  • Nuttall, J. (2012) Relational Modalities in Executive Coaching. In Sills, C. and de Haan, E. (Eds.).  Coaching Relationships; the Relational Coaching Field Book.  Libri Publishing.
  • Nuttall, J. (2011). Review of Life Scripts - Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns. Psychodynamic Practice,17.9.
  • Nuttall, J. & Clarkson, P. (2010). Physis – Archetype of Nature's Soul. In Heuer, G. (Ed.) Sacral Revolutions. London: Routledge.
  • Nuttall, J. (2008). The Integrative Attitude – A Personal Journey.  European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 10.1, 19-38.
  • Nuttall, J. (2008). Review of The paradox of countertransference: you and me, here and now.  Psychodynamic Practice, 14.1, 117-21.
  • Nuttall, J. (2006). Researching Psychotherapy Integration: A Heuristic Approach. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 19.4, 429-43.
  • Nuttall, J. (2006). The Existential Phenomenology of Transactional Analysis.  Transactional Analysis Journal, 36.3, 214-27.
  • Nuttall, J. (2005). The Integrative Attitude.  The distinguished address at Regent's College Graduation Ceremony.  Regent's College Newsletter, Spring 2005.
  • Nuttall, J. (2004). Review of The Transpersonal Relationship in Psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Mental Health.
  • Nuttall, J. (2004). Modes of Relationship in Management Organisations.  Journal of Change Management, 4.1, 15-30.
  • Nuttall, J. (2003). Script Analysis and Change in the Rosarium Philosophorum. Transactional Analysis Journal, 33.3.
  • Nuttall, J. & Clarkson, P. (2002). On Countertransference.  In Clarkson, P. (Ed.) On Psychotherapy II. London: Whurr.
  • Nuttall, J. (2002). Modes of Relationship in Brief Dynamic Therapy – a Case Study. Psychodynamic Practice, 8.4.
  • Nuttall, J. (2002). On the Nature of the Psyche and Canary Wharf. Harvest Journal of Jungian Studies, 48.2.
  • Nuttall, J. (2002). Imperatives and Perspectives of Psychotherapy Integration. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 7.3.
  • Nuttall, J. (2002). Archetypes and Architecture:  The Coniunctio of Canary Wharf. Psychodynamic Practice, 8.1, pp. 33-53.
  • Nuttall, J. (2001). Psychodynamics and Intersubjectivity in Management Organisations. Journal of Change Management, 1.3, 229-241.
  • Nuttall, J. (2001). Review of The Revealing Image. The European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 4.1, 145-49.
  • Nuttall, J. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Relations in Management Organisations.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). Transactional Analysis Journal 30.1, 73-82.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). The Rosarium Philosophorum as a Universal Relational Paradigm: Jung and Object Relations. Psychodynamic Counselling 6.2, 79-100.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). Working with Countertransference. (with Clarkson P.). Psychodynamic Counselling 6.3, 359-380.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). Review of Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy and Homosexualities.  Psychodynamic Counselling 6.3, 421-4.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). Fairbairnian Object Relations as an Intra-social Paradigm: the Gay Community's Response to HIV.  The European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 3.2, pp 213-27.
  • Nuttall, J. (2000). Modes of Therapeutic Relationship in Kleinian Psychotherapy. British Journal of Psychotherapy, 17.1, 17-36.

Conference Papers Given

  • (2018) Perspectives on Suicidal Ideation. Chair and Panel Discussant. Reflections Centre Annual Conference, Regent’s University London, June 2018.
  • (2017) Psychosomatic Clinical Presentations. Chair and Panel Discussant. Reflections Centre Annual Conference, Regent’s University London, June 2017. 
  • (2017) The Clash of Value in Contemporary Psychotherapy Research (Keynote address). Fifth UKCP Annual Research Conference, September 2017.
  • (2017) Critical Issues in Psychotherapy Integration, keynote and panel discussant. The Heart of Psychotherapy Integration. UKAPI annual conference. 4th February, 2017, NCVO London
  • (2016) Introduction and Chair of Conference on Sexual Oppression and its Impact on Mental Health. Discussions Prof Martin Milton, Prof Brett Kahr and Dr Maria Luca. Reflections Centre Annual Conference, Regent’s University London, October 2016.
  • (2016) Psychological Perspectives of the film Casablanca. Discussions with David Hanson and Professor Brett Kahr, International Partners Conference, Regent’s University London, January 2016.
  • (2016) Opening address, Conflict of Values. Conference on The Future of Psychological Therapies. Regent’s University London, April 2016
  • (2014). Getting Values Across - Leadership in a Multi-cultural World. Chancellor's Open Forum, Regent's University London, May 2014.
  • (2011). Integration – a Heuristic Journey. Regent's University London Graduation Address.
  • (2010). Jung at Canary Wharf - Literary Lunchtime Seminar, Regent's University London.
  • (2009). Heuristic Research - Learning By Inquiry. Regent's University London.
  • (2008). Working with Difference; World Mental Health Day Speech; West London Centre for Counselling, BBC.
  • (2005). The Integrative Attitude. The distinguished address at Regent's University London Graduation Ceremony, Regent's University London Newsletter.

Research Supervision

John's research supervision experience covers many Master’s dissertations and a dozen professional and research doctorates. Areas of interest covered research methods, addiction, spiritual emergency, organisational dynamics and therapists' experiences of shame and forgiving.

Research Interests

  • Psychotherapy Integration, the therapeutic relationship, and organisation theory and the use of psychotherapy theory in understanding organisational behaviour.
  • The effective provision of psychotherapy and counselling in the community. As Chair of West London Centre for Counselling, John's interests concern clinical outcomes and measures and community access to psychological therapies.
  • John's own clinical work aims to develop an integrative approach based on Clarkson's five-relational framework.
  • John is currently compiling a book of his publications demonstrating a new perspective on the process of personal psychotherapy integration.

Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation

  • Member of United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy - ex Trustee and current member of Finance Risk and Audit Committee
  • Accredited Member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
  • Certified Management Consultant and Member of the Institute of Consulting
  • Chartered Marketer and Member of Chartered Institute of Marketing
  • Member of Chartered Management Institute

Teaching & Course Development

John has designed and taught on psychotherapy courses in a number professional and educational settings. He has designed curricula for UKCP qualifying courses and doctorates and led past reaccreditations of all taught and research degree programmes at Regent's University London.   In addition, he has advised and been on validation panels for courses at Middlesex University, Greenwich University, and Birmingham City University, and has contributed to national curriculum design as a member of the QAA panel on benchmark statements, as a member of the SCoPEd expert reference group and as an occasional independent education adviser to the UKCP and BACP. 


Master's courses in two HE institutions, numerous MA dissertations and several research and professional doctorate degree. He has chaired numerous doctoral examining panels and examining boards and chairs the University’s Research Degrees Committee.

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