Professor Lawrence Phillips

Associate Provost, Business, Academic Development & Resources

Professional Biography

Lawrence is one of the University's Associate Provosts, and leads on research and workload management in particular. As an academic leader, Lawrence is an experienced professor and Head of Department/ School with more than 15 years’ experience managing multidisciplinary departments and a track record of innovative programme development.

His academic background is in English and American 19th and 20th century Literature, in which he has spent the last eight years leading and developing the Liberal Arts programmes at Regent's before taking up his current role.

He is an expert in Liberal Arts-based education and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Lawrence has written widely on the literary representation of the urban (particularly London), Victorian writing and empire (particularly in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London), and contemporary British Fiction. He is the author or editor of six books and numerous peer-reviewed chapters and essays.


  • PhD in English - Goldsmiths College, University of London 2002
  • MA in English Literature - University of Sussex 1997
  • BA (Hons) English - University of Leeds 1996

Relevant Past Employment

  • University of Northampton, Professor of English and Cultural Criticism and Head of Media, English and Culture 2006-2012
  • Liverpool Hope University, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader BA English and MA English 2003-2006
  • Goldsmiths College, University of London, Visiting Tutor/Lecturer in English and American Literature 1999-2003



  • (1999-2001) (ed.). Annotated Bibliography of Colonial and Postcolonial Criticism (with Laura Chrisman and Anita Ruprecht). Part of the Annotated Bibliography of English Studies published by Swets & Zeitlinger (now Routledge). Sole contributor 1999-2001. This is an electronic publication updated biannually in April and October.
  • (2004) (ed.). The Swarming Streets: Twentieth-Century Literary Representations of London.  Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.
  • (2006). London Narratives: Post-war Fiction and the City. London and New York: Continuum.
  • (2007) (ed.). A Mighty Mass of Brick and Smoke: Victorian and Edwardian Representations of  London. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.
  • (2010 ed. with Anne Witchard). London Gothic: Space, Place and the Gothic Imagination. 
     London and New York: Continuum.
  • (2012). The South Pacific Narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London: Race, Class,  Imperialism. London and New York: Bloomsbury-Continuum.
  • (2012 ed. With Sonya Andermahr). Angela Carter: New Critical Readings. London and New York: Bloomsbury-Continuum.

Book Series:

  • Co-editor of the book series Continuum/Bloomsbury Studies in the City

Guest Edited Journals:

  • (2007). Transtext(e)es Transcultures: A Journal of Global Cultural Studies, 2.1, special issue on  ‘Global Cities', ISSN: 1771-2084.
  • (2009). Critical Engagements – A Journal of Modern Literature and Theory. 3.1 special edition on ‘The Graphic Novel', ISSN: 1754-0984/ISBN: 978-0-9538017-3-2.

Chapters and Essays in Books & Collections:

  • (2000). ‘The Canker of Empire: Colonialism, Autobiography and the Representation of Illness ― Jack London and Robert Louis Stevenson in the Marquesas', in Laura Chrisman and Benita Parry (eds.) English Association Annual Series of Essays & Studies, 1999: Postcolonial Criticism and Theory. Cambridge: Brewer. pp.115-132.
  • (2001). ‘Commonwealth Literature' and ‘Postcolonial Pedagogies' in John Hawley, (ed.) 
    Encyclopaedia of Postcolonial Studies. Westport and London: Greenwood. pp.109-112 and pp.353-354.
  • (2001). ‘The Postcolonial', in Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of Postmodernism. London and New York: Routledge.
  • (2007). ‘B.S. Johnson's Albert Angello and the Consequences of London' in Philip Tew and Glyn White (eds) Re-reading B.S. Johnson. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 175-188.
  • (2007). ‘Jack London and the East End: Socialism, Imperialism, and the Bourgeois 
    Ethnographer' in Lawrence Phillips (ed.) A Mighty Mass of Brick and Smoke: Victorian and Edwardian Representations of London. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. pp. 213-234.
  • (2010). ‘Fiction' in Julian Wolfreys ed. Palgrave Student Companion to Literary Studies. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • (2010). ‘Realism' in Julian Wolfreys ed. Palgrave Student Companion to Literary Studies. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • (2010). ‘What Lies Beneath: The London Underground and Contemporary Gothic Film Horror', in Lawrence Phillips and Anne Witchard, eds., London Gothic. London and New York: Continuum.
  • (2010). ‘Truth in Violence: Ethical atavism in J G Ballard's sub/urban nightmares', in Steve Brie, ed., Literature and Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.


  • (2012). ‘The Spaces of Nineteen-Eighty Four in David Simmons and Nicola Allen, eds, 
    Reassessing the Contemporary Canon: From Joseph Conrad to Zadie Smith. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.

Peer Reviewed Periodical and Journal Publication:

  • (1998). ‘Lost in Space: Siting/Citing the in-between of Homi Bhabbha's The Location of 
     Culture', Scrutiny2, Vol.2, No. 1, pp.16-25.
  • (1999). ‘Postcolonial Studies and the British Academy' with Laura Chrisman in Jouvert: A  Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol.3, No.3.
  • (1999). ‘Lost in Space: Siting/Citing the in-between of Homi Bhabbha's The Location of Culture', Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Vol.2, No.2.
  • (1999). ‘What Maisie Knew and the Victorian Cult of the Little Girl', Henry Street, Vol.8, No.2, Fall, pp.37-58.
  • (1999). ‘The Indignity of Labour: Jack London's Adventure and Plantation Labour in the  Solomon Islands', Jack London Journal, No.6, pp.175-205.
  • (2001). ‘British Slavery after Abolition: The Pacific Trade', Race & Class, Vol.14, No.3 (January - March), pp.13.28.
  • (2002). ‘Writing Identity into Space: The Relationship between ethnography, Autobiography and Space in Bronislaw Malinaowski's A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term and Claude Lévi-Strauss's Tristes Tropiques', Reconstruction, Summer 2002, Vol.2, No.2,
  • (2005). ‘The Bourgeois Artist as Social Critic: Discourses of Class, ‘Race' and Colonialism in Robert Louis Stevenson's The Amateur Emigrant'. Race & Class, 46.3 (January – March), pp.39-54.
  • (2006). ‘The Agony of the Translated Subject', Transtext(e)s Transcultures: A Journal of Global Cultural Studies, 1.1 (May), pp. 24-30.
  • (2007). ‘Colonial Culture in the Pacific in Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London', Race & Class, 48.3 (January-March), pp63-82.
  • (2008). ‘Sex, Violence and Concrete: The Post-war Dystopian Vision of London in Nineteen Eighty-Four'. Critical Survey 20.1, pp.69-79.
  • (2007). ‘”London. The Crouching Monster”: Patrick Hamilton's The Slaves of Solitude, suburban England and the Myth of the Blitz', Critical Engagements – A Journal of Modern Literature and Theory, 1.1.

Review articles:

  • Malchow, H. L. (1997). Gothic Images of race in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Race & Class, Vol.39, No.2, October-December, pp.93-95.
  • Youngs, T (ed.) (1998). Writing and Race, Race & Class, Vol.39, No.4. April-June 1998, pp.100- 103
  • Eze, E. C. ed. (1999). Postcolonial African Philosophy: A Critical Reader, Philosophers Magazine,
  • Davidson, N. R. (1999). James Joyce, Ulysses, and the Construction of Jewish Identity: Culture, Biography and ‘the Jew' in Modernist Europe, Race & Class, Vol.40, No.1, July-September, pp.96-98.
  • Moore-Gilbert, B. (1999). Postcolonial Theory and Ania Loomba Colonialism/Postcolonialism, Textual Practice, Vol.12, No.3, Winter, pp.566-571.
  • Zack, N., Laurie Shrange, and Crispin Sartwell (eds.) (1999). Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: The Big Questions, in Philosopher's Magazine, No.6, Spring, pp.53-54.
  • Edmond, R. (1999). Representing the South Pacific: Colonial Discourse from Cook to Gauguin, and Venessa Smith, Literary Culture and the Pacific: Nineteenth-Century Textual Encounters, Race & Class, Vol.40, No.4, April-June, pp.103-105
  • Lott, T. L. (1999). The Invention of Race: Black Culture and the Politics of Representation, 
    Textual Practice, Vol.13, No.2, Summer, pp.398-402.
  • Denean, T. Sharply-Whiting (2001). Black Venus: Sexualized Savages, Primal Fears, and Primitive Narratives in French, Race & Class, Vol.42, No.4, April-June, pp.97-99.
  • Drayton, R. (2001). Nature's Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and the ‘Improvement' of the World, Race & Class, Vol.42, No.4, April-June, pp.107-109.
  • Robinson, A. (2004). Imagining London, 1770-1900, Literary London: Interdisciplinary studies in the representation of London, 3.1.
  • Mellor, L. (2012), Reading the Ruins: Modernism, Bombsites and British Culture, Times Higher Education, 2-8 February, p.57.

Conference Papers Given

‘Narrated Spaces – Towards a Theorisation of Narrative form and the City', Brunel University Research Seminar (2008)

‘Nation, Time, and Space: Reading Nationalist Imagery'. Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Université, France. Graduate seminar/lecture (2005)

‘B. S. Johnson and London'. University of Hull Research Seminar in contemporary fiction (2006)

‘Elizabeth Bowen, London, and the Blitz Retrospective Narrative'. University of Northampton research seminar (2004)

‘Sex, Violence and Concrete: Post-war Dystopian Visions of the City'. University of Hull Research Seminar in contemporary fiction (2005)

‘Monstrous London in Patrick Hamilton's The Slaves of Solitude'. Patrick Hamilton Symposium, King's College, Cambridge (2004)

‘Narrated Spaces': Towards a theorization of narrative form and the city'. ‘Cityscapes: perspectives from modern and contemporary culture', University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and the National Library of Wales (2004)

‘B. S. Johnson's Albert Angelo and the Consequences of London'. B. S. Johnson and British Literature from the Late 1950s to the Early 1970s, University of Westminster (2004)

‘‘B. S. Johnson's Albert Angelo and the Consequences of London'. University of Hull Research Seminar (2006)

‘Narrated Spaces – Towards a Theorisation of Narrative form and the City'. University of Westminster Research Seminar (2007)

‘Narrated Spaces' and Gothic Themes in Contemporary London Fiction', University of Vienna, Invited Guest Lecture (2011)

Research Supervision

Lawrence has supervised numerous masters dissertations and is currently external supervisor for three PhD students at the University of Northampton (including a practice-based creative writing project). His most recent PhD completion is Dr Claire Allen for her 2011 thesis Beyond Postmodernism: London Fiction at the Millennium.

Research Interests

  • Nineteenth- and twentieth-century British literature
  • Empire writing and postcolonial theory
  • The literary representation of space and place (especially cities)

Grants Awarded

  • 2007 British Academy Conference Grant for international speakers (with Dr Joan Fitzpatrick, Loughborough) £984
  • 2005 British Academy Conference Grant for international speakers, approx £900)
  • 2004 participant in a bid by the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies for £3,000 grant for web development from West Midlands Development Funds via Corporate Development at the University of Central England at Birmingham
  • 1998-2001 British Academy AHRC scholarship for doctoral research (approx £24,000 over three years
  • 1996 British Academy AHRC scholarship for MA study (approx £7,000)

Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation

  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)

Teaching & Course Development

Lawrence has developed undergraduate and postgraduate courses in English studies and cultural studies at Liverpool Hope University and the University of Northampton. He has also served on numerous validation panels both as a panellist and as chair. He has advised and served on validation panels at the University of Hull, the University of Bedfordshire, and Kingston University.

Lawrence has taught widely in English and American Literature at undergraduate and postgraduate levels from the Renaissance to the contemporary. He has also taught research skills at Masters level and to research students.