Professor Maria Charalambous

Provost's Group, Associate Provost, Learning & Teaching

Professional Biography

As Associate Provost, Learning & Teaching, Maria is responsible for leading Regent’s strategy for learning, teaching and assessment and for defining and refining relevant policies and processes. This involves the design and implementation of outstanding, inspirational research-informed teaching and learning aligned to the Regent’s Model. She recently oversaw the development and introduction of university-wide learning outcomes, as well as the re-design and coordination of the university’s undergraduate portfolio on the new curricular architecture, through which she introduced and applied a co-creative curriculum design process.

A key aspect of her role, is to oversee the professional pedagogic framework for the continuous professional development of Regent’s academics, including the Teaching Professional Development programme and the delivery of Advance HE accredited PGCHE, TSLHE, and REAP schemes. She leads the Regent’s Educational Development team that support academic innovation and the effective learning and teaching practices in support of the University's strategic objectives.   

Under Maria’s leadership are the content areas for languages, the level 4 common curriculum and the integrated foundations. Maria joined Regent’s in 2005 and has since occupied several academic leadership roles, including being a Director (People) and Programme Director of a range of postgraduate and undergraduate Business courses. She has worked in the British, American and Cypriot Education systems and has an interest and expertise in Liberal Arts style education.  

University Policy Authorship:

November 2023: Regent’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

June 2023: Regent’s Course Design Process

October 2022: Regent’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy 

October 2021:  Regent’s Learning Outcomes  


  • October 2017- present:  Doctorate of Education (EdD); Institute of Education, University College London.
  • January 2017 – October 2017: Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science Research Methods - Distinction; University College London, Institute of Education 
  • March 2016: HEA/Advance HE Senior Fellowship; Regent’s Effective Academic Practice Route, Regent’s University London.
  • February 2003:  Master of Philosophy (P/T): “Financial Reporting and Culture: The Case of The Republic of Cyprus”, University of Central England, Birmingham
  • September 1993 - June 1994: Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analysis – Merit; Lancaster University
  • September 1989 - June 1992:  BA(Hons) in Accounting & Finance – 2(2); Lancaster University

Relevant Past Employment

Current post 

  • May 2022 – Present: Associate Provost/Director of Learning & Teaching, Professor, DVC/Provost’s Team, Regent’s University London  

Previous Posts

  • January 2021 – May 2022: Director (People), Associate Professor, DVC/Provost’s Group, Regent’s University London
  • May 2020 – June 2021:  Learning Design Champion (0.2 FTE secondment), Academic and Educational Development, Regent’s University London
  • September 2018 – May 2022: Educational Developer (0.2 FTE secondment), Curriculum Design Lead, Academic and Educational Development, Regent’s University London
  • September 2016 - December 2020: Principal Lecturer, Subject Leader (Business & Management /BA Liberal Studies); Cross Faculty Staff Coordinator, Regent’s School of Creative and Liberal Arts, Regent’s University London 
  • September 2008 – August 2016: Principal Lecturer, Programme Director, Business Studies, Regent’s American College London, Regent’s University London.
  • January 2008 – September 2008: Lecturer (0.75 FTE), Webster University Graduate School & Regent’s American College of London 
  • September 2005 – December 2007:  Visiting Lecturer, Webster University Graduate School & Regent’s American College of London  
  • October 2004 – April 2008: MBA/BBA Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Undergraduate Study (part time) – Maritime Greenwich College, London, UK 
  • October 2004 – March 2008: Visiting lecturer –London School of Commerce, London, UK 
  • September 1999 – February 2004: Lecturer (full time) – Business School, Frederick University, Cyprus 
  • September 2002 – December 2003:  Visiting lecturer – Mediterranean Institute of Management, Cyprus
  • September 1996 – June 1999 (F/T): Lecturer – PA College, Cyprus 


Conference Presentations

  • The Regent’s Learning and Teaching Conference; “What can Images tell us about Leadership” September 2021; Regent’s University London
  • The Regent’s Learning and Teaching Conference; “Reflecting on Previous Feedback” September 2020; Regent’s University London
  • SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education; ‘Towards a Constructivist Grounded Theory for Leadership Programme Design: The Case of the MA in Creative Leadership', December 2019; Newport, South Wales
  • The Regent’s Learning and Teaching Conference; “In Search of Relevance and Rigour in Leadership Education”; May 2019; Regent’s University London
  • The Regent’s Learning and Teaching Conference; “Bridging the scholarship-practice divide: lived leadership experiences of scholar/practitioners”; May 2018; Regent’s University London
  • The Regent’s Learning and Teaching Conference; “The Promise of Transdisciplinarity: Opportunities and Challenges in Curriculum Development”; June 2017; Regent’s University London
  • 16th Annual International Leadership Association Conference in October 2015, San Diego, USA.
    a.     “Leadership Through Fairy Tales:  The Hero Archetype and Beyond”, 
    b.    “ Developing Metacognitive Abilities in Leaders” (co-presenter)
  • 15th Annual International Leadership Association Conference; “Transdisciplinarity and Leadership: The Case of MACL”; November 1 2013, Montreal, Canada. 
  • 4th Annual Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, 28-29 June 2012, “Transdisciplinarity in Leadership:  A tale from two perspectives” (co-presenter);  Centre for Leadership Studies, University of Exeter, UK
  • European Accounting Association Congress; “Financial reporting and Culture: The Case of the Republic of Cyprus”,  2001, Athens, Greece.

Research Supervision

  • Supervision for post-graduate and undergraduate projects

Research Interests

  • Course Design and Mission Informed Curricula
  • Leadership and Transdisciplinairity
  • Theory-Practice Divide
  • Cultural Mythologies in the construction of Organizational Realities

Professional Affiliation(s)/Accreditation

  • Advance HE, Member and Institutional Contact 
  • Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), Member and Institutional Contact
  • Heads of Educational Developers Group (HEDG), Member and Institutional Contact
  • Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE)

Teaching & course development

Teaching & Module Leadership Experience:
PGCHE, Creative Leadership, Organisational Behaviour, Liberal Arts Capstone, Research Methods, Global Perspectives, Human Resource Management, Management Theory and Practice,  Business Ethics, History of Business and Management, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Strategy, Business Finance.  ACCA and ABE modules

Programme Management Experience:
May 2022 – Present: Director of Content for the Postgraduate Certificate Higher Education (PGCHE)
September 2016 - December 2020: Subject Leader for BA Liberal Studies (Business & Management)
September 2008 – August 2016: Programme Director of a suite of business-related programmes: 

  • Postgraduate 
    MBA general and with emphasis (FT/PT); MA in Marketing; MA in Management & Leadership; MA in International Business; MS Finance; MA in Information Technology Management; MA in Human Resource Development
  • Undergraduate 
    BA in Management; BA in Management (Marketing); BA in Management (International Business)

October 2004 – April 2008: Programme Leader for Undergraduate Study (BBA - University of London)

Curriculum Design and Development: 

  • March 2023 - Present: Leading the development of the University Wide Postgraduate Curriculum Model
  • January 2023 – Present: Coordinating the design of 10 new courses.
  • April 2023: Designed and introduced the Regent’s Course Design Process 
  • June 2021 - October 2021: Led the design and development of University Wide Learning Outcomes, accompanied Toolkit and delivered training to all staff.
  • June 2021 – December 2022: Led the Redesign and Mass Validation of the entire undergraduate portfolio on the basis of a newly introduced university wide curriculum framework
  • January 2010 – Present: Participating in various Validation Panels (pre and post TDAPs) as a chair, internal panel member and observer (including collaborative partners validations).
  • February 2020/April 2016: Lead the design, validation (2016) and revalidation (2020) of BA Liberal Studies (Business & Management)/Wrote the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy for BA Liberal Studies

February 2010- March 2011: Co-lead the design, development, and validation of the MA in Creative Leadership 

September 2018 – May 2022: University Course Design Lead 

October 2004 – April 2008: Leading curriculum development to reflect minimum prescribed learning objectives, content expectations, and policies as set by accrediting institutions (The Entrepreneurship Institute, The University of London).

September 1996 –  February 2005:  Involvement in various institutional accreditations (i.e. Cyprus Ministry of Education, ACCA and CIPD).