Dr Mick Cooper

Dr Mick Cooper

ADP Existential Psychotherapy
Class of 1998
Psychotherapist & Author

Dr Mick Cooper is a globally recognised author, trainer and consultant in the fields of humanistic, existential and pluralistic therapies. He’s a Chartered Psychologist and a Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton. His principal areas of research are shared decision-making/personalising therapy and counselling for young people in schools. He is a Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Academy of Social Sciences and, in 2014, he received the Carmi Harari Mid-Career Award from Division 32 of the American Psychological Association.

Mick’s books include Existential Therapies (Sage 2017), Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage 2018), The Handbook of Person-Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling (Palgrave 2013) and Integrating Counselling and Psychotherapy: Directionality, Synergy and Social Change (Sage 2019).

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