Her Majesty, Queen of Bhutan

Her Majesty, Queen of Bhutan

MA International Relations
Class of 2010
Queen of Bhutan

Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck studied International Relations at Regent’s and is now the President of the Bhutan Red Cross Society and a United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Ambassador. She’s also Royal Patron of the Environment and works closely with the National Environment Commission, the Royal Society for Protection of Nature, Clean Bhutan and other government and nongovernment agencies on conservation, waste management and other environmental matters. She’s also an Honorary Member of the WWF-US Board of Directors.

Her Majesty is also a Royal Patron of the Bhutan Kidney Foundation and the Ability Bhutan Society, founded with Her Majesty’s support, which works closely with government, schools and NGOs to help children and those with disabilities live better lives, with access to healthcare and education.

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