Advocacy Academy's 2018/19 Graduate Showcase

The Advocacy Academy, a transformational Social Justice Fellowship which brings together the worlds of activism and youth leadership, held their 2018/19 Graduate Showcase at the Department Store in Brixton on Thursday 10 January.

Advocacy Academy Graduate Showcase

An Outreach Partner of the University, the Graduation Showcase coincided with the fifth birthday of the Academy, and saw this year’s 17 Advocates, aged from 16-18, take their captive audience on a tour of all the good trouble they’ve been making over past year and ambitious plans for the next. Designed entirely by the young leaders, it was an epic night of social justice, spoken word, storytelling, songs and hope.

"We were thrilled to see so many friends, old and new, out to support the Class of 2019," said Saba Shafi, Director of Development at the Academy.

Passionately speaking of their own personal experiences, the six groups began by looking back on what they had set out to achieve initially, and reflected on how those goals had evolved, transformed and been accomplished over the course of the year.

Speaking on widespread issues such as the stigma around mental health in schools, decolonising the curriculum, Latinx representation, compassionate education for students struggling in schools, and racialised hypersexuality, the Advocates laughed, cried, supported one and other and detailed how their campaigns have only just begun.

Read the full 2018/19 Campaign Roster.

Advocacy Academy Graduate Showcase