Celebrating LGBTQ+ at Regent's

From our vibrant LGBTQ+ society to our proud network of allies, we are committed to creating a welcoming, safe and supportive environment for those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Join our LGBTQ+ network

It is our utmost priority that everyone at Regent's is treated with both dignity and respect – regardless of their gender identity and sexual orientation. 

Our dedicated LGBTQ+ network group offers support and advice for both staff and students and proudly promotes, celebrates and raises awareness of equality, diversity and inclusivity at Regent’s. Should you have any ideas about LGBTQ+ at Regent’s, Network Chair, Àngels Trias-I-Valls, would love to hear from you.

We also have an active LGBTQ+ student society, which welcomes those that identify under the LGBTQ+ spectrum, as well as heterosexual allies. It provides a safe space for students to relax and be themselves without any fear of judgement, criticism or discrimination. It also organises a wide variety of on-and-off-campus social events and helps students to facilitate involvement with LGBTQ+ campaigning.

‘Many students have felt nervous joining for the first time, whether they're not out yet, come from a background that is not understanding or accepting, or are just nervous about meeting other LGBT+ students – but we are here to support you and really do want to make you feel welcome’ the society commented.

Become an LGBTQ+ ally

An "ally” is a term used to describe someone who is supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. Our Ally Scheme offers help and advice to those who’d like to become an active ally, from pointing them in the direction of helpful information (books, podcasts, discussions, events), to guiding them on the best way to be visible, listen and call out discrimination.

Find out more about becoming an LGBTQ+ ally at Regent’s or contact to get involved.

Championing inclusivity

Back in 2019, to mark 50 since the Stonewall riots, Professor Martin Milton reflected on the major breakthroughs in global LGBTQ+ rights and detailed how staff and students can work together to champion an inclusive environment at Regent's.

'We should all be working towards inclusive classrooms and a welcoming University culture. Sitting quietly, simply not joining in with banter, is not enough' commented Professor Milton.

'Being a bystander will not reassure those who feel uncertain, or prove your trustworthiness and allow others to confide in you. If you – a student, staff member or guest – witness any inappropriate banter or abuse it should always be challenged. Students must recognise that Regent’s is a safe place for all'.

These words remain relevant today, which is why we will continue to do all we can to provide a safe and supportive environment for those who identify as LGBTQ+. Discover more about the LGBTQ+ support offered at Regent’s and national LGBTQ+ organisations.

