Dr Angie Cucchi presents at the 3rd Annual Middle East Psychological Association Conference and Expo

Dr Angie Cucchi, lecturer in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regent’s, recently presented at the Middle East Psychological Association Conference and Expo MEPA in Kuwait. 

Angie Cucchi
Dr Angie Cucchi was presented with a token of appreciation at the conference

The Conference aims to raise awareness and further destigmatise the perception of the mental health field within the Middle East region. Participants are given the opportunity to collaborate with numerous professionals and colleagues, in addition to providing updates on current topics, trends, theories, techniques, products, and research within the field.

Dr Cucchi’s presentation, titled ‘Working with Western-based models: thoughts from the Middle East’, raised the importance of adapting and tailoring existing models to the unique cultural and social values and background of the Middle East.

‘Presenting at the MEPA conference 2019 was a fantastic experience! It gave me the opportunity to make new connections with professionals in the region and to build on my existing ones, said Dr Cucchi.

Dr Angie Cucchi with Sheikha Majda Al Sabah

‘I felt part of an increasing push towards supporting and developing culturally-sensitive services in the Middle East and I am committed towards continuing to work with colleagues in the region to bring excellence in the teaching and practice of psychology in the Middle East.’

‘Meeting her Royal Highness, Sheikha Majda Al Sabah, and witnessing her commitment towards tackling mental health stigma in Kuwait increased my desire and passion to support making a change.’

Dr Cucchi is chartered as a Counselling Psychologist and a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), and is registered as a Counselling Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council in the UK. She currently holds a lecturing position in Psychotherapy and Counselling at Regent’s, and is a visiting lecturer at King’s College London, where she teaches on a variety of modules at postgraduate level.
