Dr Ken Fero publishes research on Paris-London Urban Cultures

Dr Ken Fero, lecturer in directing, has completed a six-month research project supported by the Humanities Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Research Fund. His project, Paris-London Urban Cultures, explores immigration, racism, urban cultures and social movements during the 1980s and 90s, and includes the preparation for his own documentary film, Injustice. 

This film was launched in May at the Cité Nationale de l'Histoire de l'Immigration as part of an exhibition entitled Paris-London Music Connections (1962-1989), and was then shown across France in Paris, Marseille and Lyon where Dr Fero presented his work.

You can watch a trailer here

Alongside this research, Dr Fero published an article in the September 2019 edition of the Journal Hommes et Migrations. Titled Documenter les luttes de l’immigration. Regards croisés entre la France et l’Angleterre avec Mogniss Abdallah, his article explores urban cultures in relation to documentary production. It is now available in the Regent’s Library. 

Dr Fero and his collaborator, Mogniss Abdallah, were also interviewed by film director, Anne Volery. Discussing their documentary film, Dr Fero said: ‘Coming back to the 1980s, we were part of a kind of militant political movement and for us the militancy was not just about recording our people’s stories, the militancy was about actually documenting the memory of the community and the resistance of the community. 

‘It wasn’t about making films and just showing films, it was about building an archive of memory.’

The interview is also available to view here.
