Regent's University London

Gender pay gap improvements in 2023 report

Regent's University London reports significant reduction in gender pay gap and is tracking well below the average across the Higher Education sector.

Based on the snapshot date of 5 April 2022, our 2023 gender pay gap report shows Regent's median gender pay gap has reduced from 4.65% in 2022 to 0%. This is compared to an average gap of 14.8% across Higher Education Institutions. Regent's mean gender pay gap has also dropped from 6.46% to 4.53%.

Valérie De Saegher, Director of Human Resources, said: "This is Regent’s sixth gender pay gap report and it's encouraging that we have seen a reduction in the mean gender pay gap over time. The fact we continue to have a gap is not in itself surprising as tackling this at Regent’s, and across all companies, will not be a quick fix. However, we are committed to narrowing the gender pay gap and will do what we can to achieve this."

Regent's has already taken action to mitigate factors that traditionally hinder pay equality. The University has introduced transparent pay scales for each grade within the pay band structure; we've incorporated unconscious bias training into the recruitment process and strive to ensure our selection panels are balanced; our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group is in place to oversee strategy improvements and is attended by the Vice-Chancellor and Director of Human Resources; we've successfully implemented flexible working provisions such as homeworking, job-sharing, and part-time positions; we are committed to nurturing our own talent and supporting development - we continue to partner with the Aurora Programme to help develop our female talent and increase representation across senior positions.  

The report further details the steps the University has and will take to close the gap. Read the full report
