Graduation 2019: Honorary Senior Fellows

Regent’s University London’s class of 2019 will graduate over two days on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 July at St Marylebone Parish, joining the family of over 20,400 Regent’s alumni living and working in over 164 countries worldwide.

Joining the graduating students on the day will be the 2019 Honorary Senior Fellows:

  • Professor Lord Norton of Louth
  • Lord David Hannay
  • Carole Baume

Professor Lord Norton of Louth 

Lord Norton of Louth
2019 Honorary Senior Fellow, Lord Norton of Louth

Lord Norton is a Professor of Government at the University of Hull. He was appointed in 1986, making him – at the age of 35 – the youngest professor of politics in the country. He is also Director of the University’s Centre for Legislative Studies.

Lord Norton is the author and editor of 32 books, over 100 articles in academic journals, and in excess of 60 chapters in edited volumes. He has served as President of the Politics Association in the UK and the British Politics Group in the USA. He is presently President of the Study of Parliament Group. He has also been editor of The Journal of Legislative Studies since 1995.

He was elevated to the peerage – as Lord Norton of Louth – in 1998. He chaired the Conservative Party’s Commission to Strengthen Parliament and was the first chairman of the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution. He serves on various parliamentary committees as well as giving evidence to parliamentary and other official committees in the UK and abroad.

Lord David Hannay of Chiswick GCMG CH

Lord David Hannay
2019 Honorary Senior Fellow, Lord Hannay of Chiswick

Lord Hannay is a current member of the International Relations Committee in the House of Lords. He has also been an independent crossbench member of the House of Lords since 2001, and a member of the EU Select Committee.

From 2003–2004, Hannay was a member of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. Prior to this, he worked as the UK Special Representative for Cyprus from 1996–2003, the UK Permanent Representative to the UN from 1990–95, and the UK Permanent Representative to the European Communities from 1985–90.

Alongside these duties, Lord Hannay was appointedPro-Chancellor of the University of Birmingham from 2001–2007 and, from 2009-2015, was a council member for the University of Kent

Carole Baume

Carole Baume
2019 Honorary Senior Fellow, Carole Baume

Carole spent her working life in UK higher education. She has worked at a range of universities as a lecturer, a staff and educational developer and senior manager. Her last full-time role was at the Open University, where she was regional director in the north west of England and then head of planning and resources in Student Services.

Carole has served as Chair of the UK Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) and Chair of the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED). For eight years, she was a Trustee of Regent’s University London, spending six months as interim chair of the board and then three years as deputy chair. 
