Business & Management students

New PPE programme challenges students’ worldview

Climate change, mass migration and AI are just some of the most urgent challenges facing the world today. Now, thanks to a new PPE programme, Regent’s students will be equipped with skills to tackle these challenges, and more, on their journey to becoming future leaders.

The new BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics & Economics is a single Honours cross-disciplinary, practical programme that fosters skills in critical thinking, argumentation and negotiation, and knowledge in geopolitics, business ethics and non-Western worldviews.

Ana-Marie Pascal
Dr Ana-Maria Pascal

‘It is our deep conviction that education must form well-rounded citizens who are equipped to face the global challenges of today. This PPE programme bridges the gap between theory and practice, by focusing on the skills young leaders will need to address real-world issues,’ said Course Leader Dr Ana-Maria Pascal.

‘At the core of the programme is a focus on critical skills, rather than static knowledge, and the ability to apply these skills to pressing world problems. Students engage in debates, simulations and negotiations on topics as diverse as cyber-wars, climate change, migration, business and human rights. A whole module is dedicated to the challenges and opportunities of technology and AI,’ she said.

Many PPE programmes offer a model where students study politics, economics and philosophy in isolation.

At Regent’s, students examine how these fields intertwine. In Year 2, they explore the overlap by studying political philosophy, business ethics, and political economy. In Year 2 and 3, they combine all three disciplines, focusing on public policy, global governance, negotiation and the impact of technology in today’s world.

‘Students tackle cross-disciplinary topics using logical, argumentative and rhetorical skills. Examples of such topics include the geopolitics of today – how did major powers come about and where they are going; how can we protect privacy and individual rights, while ensuring public safety; how best to address the migration or climate crises,’ finished Dr Pascal.

The programme is three years, or four with an Integrated Foundation. Students have access to a wide range of electives from a Liberal Studies curriculum, and they can also take optional language or career development modules and placements. They can choose to study one semester abroad, which will enhance their exposure to global trends.

For more information, or to apply, visit the BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics & Economics page.
