Professor Martin Milton awarded Fellowship of the British Psychological Society

Martin Milton, a professor of Counselling Psychology in Regent’s School of Psychotherapy and Psychology, has been made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society - the highest title a member can achieve.

The Fellowship is recognition of significant contribution to the advancement or communication of psychological knowledge or practice either by research, publications or public service, teaching or by organising and developing the work of others.

Professor Martin Milton
Professor Martin Milton

“'I am delighted to have been awarded the Fellowship of the British Psychological Society (BPS)," commented Professor Milton.

"The BPS is my scientific and professional home and has been for many years, so it is especially meaningful to have been recognised in this way.”

To be given this award illustrates the high regard in which Professor Milton and Regent’s University London are held in the field of psychology, both in the UK and beyond, says Professor Neil Martin, Head of Programmes for Psychology.

“It is a great honour and achievement to be awarded a Fellowship of the British Psychological Society," said Professor Martin.

"The Society’s highest honour, it means that the recipient possesses an advanced knowledge of psychology and has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement or dissemination of psychological knowledge or practice.

“Martin has more than demonstrated this via his teaching and leadership of the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at Regent’s, his work for the BPS Division of Counselling Psychology, and his significant research and output over many years. He is to be congratulated on this terrific achievement.”
