The Batman

Regent’s alumna lands acting role in The Batman (2022)


Hana Hrzic, Regent’s BA (Hons) Acting & Global Theatre alumna played the role of Annika Kosolov in Matt Reeves' The Batman

After graduating from Regent's University London in 2017, Hana starred in several short films before joining the cast of The Batman (2022). The film was released in UK cinemas on 4 March 2022, starring Robert Pattinson (Twilight, Harry Potter) as Batman and Zoe Kravitz (X-Men, Fantastic Beasts) as Catwoman.

Reflecting on the movie role, Hana said: ‘As an actress, this role was a dream come true for me. Working with Zoe Kravitz on set for this particular role was an amazing experience. You learn so much from observing how these big stars work.’ 

Hana attributes much of her success to what she learnt at Regent’s University London. She shares: ‘Regent’s prepared me so much for the acting world. You are taught expression through a variety of methods – Indian dance, Shakespeare, or yoga for example – an excellent base of voice and movement.’

She continues: ‘The global aspect of the programme meant that coming from somewhere like Croatia, where acting is not necessarily a traditional career choice, didn’t matter. I met many fascinating people throughout my time at Regent’s, and I still get so much support from the academics and the network, even now.’

Hana was awarded a scholarship to attend Regent’s University London and says that if it were not for the scholarship, she would not have pursued acting at all. ‘I saw it as a sign – if I get the scholarship, I’ll see where acting takes me. If I don’t, I’ll follow a more traditional route. The fact that Regent’s was able to support me with the scholarship is a big part of why I’m where I am today.’

In addition to her role in The Batman, Hana has recently been cast in Hong Kong Love Story, her next feature film.

Find out more about Acting courses at Regent’s and Regent’s Scholarships
