Regent's fashion marketing students welcome guest lecturer, Howard Mutti-Mewse

Howard Mutti-Mewse

Regent's MA International Fashion Marketing students recently had a guest lecture from Howard Mutti-Mewse, Global Internal Communications Manager with Nespresso.

Formerly Internal Communications Advisor for Nestlé (Europe and the Middle East) Howard has over two decades of global communications experience. Previously working for Levi’s, as well as two London-based PR agencies and the James Bond 007 franchise. He is uniquely placed to offer Regent's students a real insight into working in the field of communications. 

During the lecture, Howard shared his views about the importance of storytelling within content creation and marketing communication. Or as he puts it 'every communication starts with a story.' He went on to tell the story behind his successful career. 

Howard informed the students that his career started by watching silent movies on TV with his grandmother, Violet, on Saturday afternoons. She then encouraged Howard and his twin brother to write a letter to American film pioneer, Lillian Gish, and much to their amazement, she wrote back. A friendship was born between the teenagers and the 91-year old, and she put the twins in touch with her friends from the ‘Golden Age' of Hollywood. This led to the brothers meeting octogenarian stars, including James Stewart, Ginger Rogers, and Elizabeth Taylor.

Howard added that discovering the power of listening to stories about 'Tinsel Town' helped him build the skills he would utilise when planning campaigns, events and marketing communications strategies.

Howard said: 'What I was doing was taking a subject - in this case, silent films - and making it relevant to my generation. What I do in marketing is changing people’s mindsets and work out how to translate something which is outdated and give it a sense of purpose which a modern audience can relate to.'

He also shared this notable example of his relationship-building skills. As a teenager, Howard corresponded with one-time leading American actress and singer and star of White Christmas, Rosemary Clooney, and then was able to use this relationship when building a rapport with her nephew and brand ambassador for Nespresso, George Clooney. He said: 'It’s the connection that has formed a smooth introduction.' 

Olessya Limar, MA International Fashion Marketing student commented: 'Howard was very inspiring, he made me understand the importance of communication and building relationships - and that people notice when you care.' 

Regent's MA Fashion Marketing course allows students a unique exposure to industry professionals and a chance to build their network while studying. You can find out more about the course here.

Photo credit: Darrin Vanselow
