Regent’s lecturer Kwong Loke performing in National Theatre play

Kwong Loke, lecturer in Film, Media and Performance, is performing in The Great Wave, a new play running at the National Theatre until Saturday 14 April 2018.

Described as an ‘epic new thriller’, The Great Wave is set on a Japanese beach surrounding two sisters caught up in a storm where only one survives.

Kwong Loke in the Great Wave

Kwong Loke, who has already performed in the West End play, Labour of Love, with Martin Freeman said: “I’ve been teaching acting at Regent’s for the last eight years, and it’s always a joy to be sharing experiences and knowledge with our cohort of international students who are eminently eager and hungry for the work.

“It’s been a wonderful and invigorating journey working with such high profiled professionals in the theatre world. Our work as theatre practitioners is a continuous, and continuing journey - learning each and every day. I feel very privileged to be able to share this with my acting students at Regent’s.” 

Kwong Loke in the Great Wave

The Great Wave is directed by Indhu Rubasingham and will be showing at the National Theatre until Saturday 14 April 2018. You can book tickets on the National Theatre website.
