Regent’s lecturer wins Best Documentary Award at the British Urban Film Festival

Dr Ken Fero, Lecturer in Film & Screen at Regent’s University London, won the ‘Best Documentary Award’ for his film Ultraviolence at the 2021 British Urban Film Festival (BUFF) in December.  

Emmanuel Anyiam-Osigwe MBE, Director of BUFF, said: ‘We know that in every walk of life, urban culture, more than ever, is revered as trend setting, forward-thinking, inclusive and innovative. Long before diversity quotas and terminology such as BAME and non-binary, we have always welcomed, showcased, given coverage to and awarded films which embrace diverse storytelling.’ 

Dr Fero, who received the award in person, alongside the films’ cinematographer, Soulyeman Garcia, said: ‘It is a real honour for us to receive the Best Documentary Award at BUFF, as it recognises the power and impact of the Ultraviolence film. The award comes 20 years after one of our previous films, Injustice, received the award for Best Documentary at the BFM Film Festival. We are proud of the legacy we are creating in this field and will continue to produce more films that are radical in their content, approach and storytelling.’ 

In further critical recognition for Ultraviolence, the film has also featured in the awards for the top 10 documentaries of 2021 in the Braddies, where it was listed by Peter Bradshaw, Chief Film Critic for the Guardian newspaper, as one his film picks of the year. 

Dr Fero said: ‘The film has had a remarkably successful year and Regent’s Film & Screen students studying the Film Production Pathway should be proud of their professional involvement in the film. Current students are also involved in my next documentary feature which will be released later this year.’  

Watch Ultraviolence in the UK online exclusively on BFI Player here

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