Regent’s polo team secures bronze at winter nationals

The Regent's upper intermediate level polo team achieved third place in a very competitive university group at the annual Polo Winter Nationals competition, where they went up against 200 universities nationwide to secure the coveted bronze.

Ben Duckworth is a Regent's polo scholar
Ben Duckworth

Ben Duckworth, Regent's polo scholar and BA Global Management student, was selected to be part of the international exhibition match.

He said: ‘Having only been playing polo for two years with no riding experience, it was amazing to play in the international match. It shows any university beginner can reach this level and play in front of hundreds of people, and it allowed me to play with and against some incredibly talented players.

‘I got here with diligence and hard work, as well as the support of the University and Cool Hooves Polo Club. I hope my experience shows potential University polo players at any level, that they can enjoy and excel in this amazing sport while at university, no matter what experience they have.

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I look forward to playing at SUPA Summer Nationals representing Regent’s and helping to grow the Polo Club to reach its full potential. I encourage everyone to get involved and try polo out!’ he finished.

Cristianne Sanjines Andrade
Cristianne Sanjines Andrade

Cristianne Sanjines Andrade, captain of the median team, and student of BA International Business, said: ‘The winter nationals were the best experience for any university polo player. I truly enjoyed the atmosphere, the people and the opportunity to represent Regent’s in a National event. A big thank you to all who made this possible for us.’

The University’s upper intermediate team achieved third place in a very competitive university group that included teams from Cambridge, Loughborough and Harper Adams Universities.

The median team were pleased with their performance, finishing above Loughborough, Cambridge, Oxford and Durham.

About the competition

Universities Winter National Championships 2020 was organised by the Schools and Universities Polo Association (SUPA). Founded in 1991, SUPA acts as a central point of reference for advice, guidance and encouragement.

SUPA expanded in 1994 to allow universities and junior prep schools to join as members. In 2005, SUPA was incorporated by its member institutions as Schools and Universities Polo Association Limited. It became a registered UK Charity in 2014.

This year's contest was held at the Rugby Polo Club at Onley Grounds Farm in Warwickshire between 6 and 9 February. The contest was open to all divisions from beginner to intermediate, as well as SAPA and an Open Section.
