Wearing face mask

Regent’s professor publishes research on COVID-19 lockdowns and mental health in the UK

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK government placed firm restrictions on the movement and freedom of the public. Increasingly, it is becoming evident that restrictions on movement and human rights will negatively affect the mental health of individuals worldwide.

Regent’s Psychology Professor Joanne Lusher’s research paper entitled ‘Mental Health and Coping Contingencies among Adults Residing in the United Kingdom during the Covid-19’ examines the psychological implications of lockdown restrictions on UK adults. 

The study aimed to determine associations between mental health and strategies adopted by residents to cope with lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-reported data were collected from 647 adults through an online survey.

Results revealed that over 20% of participants reported symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Multivariable logistic regression analysis confirmed that participants reporting use of positive coping strategies (spending time meditating and with pet companions) had significantly lower odds of experiencing symptoms of PTSD. Whereas those who spent time social distancing by communicating with others online and exercising at home showed increased odds of experiencing PTSD symptoms. 

The study signifies COVID-19 as a major source of mental distress for adults residing in the UK and advocates various methods of coping during such stress-inducing times.

The study has been published in the International Journal of Health and Psychology Research and can be accessed here.
