Regent’s students selected for Bill & Chelsea Clinton’s leadership programme

Two Regent’s University London students have been selected to take part in this year’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) University – a prestigious student leadership programme initiated by Bill and Chelsea Clinton.

Luise Hasse and Alexandre Abid were selected for the year-long programme, designed for student leaders who have big ideas for tackling the world’s most pressing social impact and public health challenges.

‘We’re extremely proud of Luise and Alex, and we’re excited to see the impact they’ll make as potential global leaders. They’ll practice skills like leadership, strategy and partnerships development,’ commented Dr Elias Boukrami, Head of Programme, MSc Finance & Investment.

He continued: ‘The CGI programme is a great complement for Regent’s curriculum, as it’s fully aligned with our mission statement. We prize innovation and diversity, as well as community building and social impact. That means the three students will be able to add value based on their distinctive viewpoints – and they’ll learn from a diverse group of global influencers, too.’

Headshot of Alex Abid, a Regent's Clinton Scholar

Creating an independent reporting platform: Alexandre Abid 

Alex – a BA Global Management student – is joining the program to develop an independent global reporting platform for people to denounce corporate and government violations of human rights, international law and ethics.

Alex said: ‘The idea is to give a voice to people around the world, including in marginalised communities, to report issues and violations that affect them.’

He says he’ll assemble a team to ensure every story published on the platform is transparent, independent and unbiased. They’ll also check the reliability of any data.

‘Clinton Global Initiative University is a fantastic complement to my degree at Regent’s, where I’ve gained skills and an international outlook,’ he said. ‘I’m excited to be around other engaged and committed students who all want to make a real impact. Along with the mentor I’ll be assigned in the programme, they’ll be a key part of how I develop a tangible final product,’ he finished.

His goal for CGI University? Launch the initial version of the reporting platform next December, and seek skills to promote it in NGOs and community networks.

Alex is the Student Union’s Vice President of Academic Affairs, and was recently included on the Faculty of Business and Management Dean’s List – an annual list of high performing students from across the department. 

Headshot of Luise Hasse: a CGI U scholar

Luise Hasse: Social impact with advanced skincare

Luise, a BA Liberal Studies (Media & Communications) student, applied for CGI University to help young people gain confidence in themselves.

‘Skin issues are a huge source of self-confidence issues in young people,’ says Luise. ‘That’s why I’ve invested in a new kind of affordable, accessible skincare made from volcanic ash. I want to help young people find their voice and feel comfortable in their skin – literally and figuratively.’

Luise has a track record of success: she won Regent’s own Dragon’s Den pitch contest, and she’s the only student member of the start-up incubator The Hive – all other members are alumni. She was the president of Regent’s Music Society, which counts more than 100 students as its members, and she runs her skincare business: ENKI Cosmetics.

Now, she plans on expanding her business and deepening her social impact – all with the aid of CGI University.

‘I come from an entrepreneurial background, and my family used to run a healthcare start-up in Germany. I want my business to have a deep social impact – I couldn’t imagine it any other way!

‘I’m excited to build on the knowledge and skills I’ve gained running my own business, and at Regent’s, especially in my Social Enterprise module. My biggest goal for the programme is to develop my business’s reach and meet likeminded people who also want to create social impact.’

About the programme

Since 2007, CGI University has allocated more than US $3 million in funding to 7,000 projects. After the programme, participants will join a network of 13,000 students from 1,500 universities who have taken part in previous years.

The selective programme is open to a diverse range of students from different backgrounds. Delegates have access to networking events, topic experts and industry leaders, and are assigned a personal mentor who will help them turn their innovative idea into action.

Midway through programme, participants will attend an annual meeting in Edinburgh, where they will pitch for a share of funding to support their idea.
