Regent's to hold Desmond Tutu Annual International Peace Summit 2018: Mediating the Impossible

On Friday 20 April, Regent’s University London and the Tutu Foundation UK present the third Desmond Tutu Annual International World Peace Summit 2018: Mediating the Impossible.

Mediation is becoming increasingly recognised as an important tool for resolving international conflicts in peace negotiations across politics, and even in war.

Building on the success of its first two annual ‘Desmond Tutu Peace Summits,’ Regent’s University London, in partnership with the leading mediation charity, Tutu Foundation UK, is set to bring together a host of experts who have experience of some of the most extreme conflicts of the modern era.

The event will begin with some short film footage of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and then will join experts from around the world to engage in key debates about peace and conflict resolution. The summit will explore topics including international peace and security, South Africa in this year of Nelson Mandela’s Centenary, rebuilding Syria and the Oslo Agreement, 25 years on.

International Peace Summit 2018: Mediating the Impossible

The collaboration between Regent’s and the Tutu Foundation UK began six years ago and has been highly effective in promoting the legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

The conference will feature speakers 

  • FW de Klerk, former State President of South Africa
  • Lord Michael Hastings, Chancellor, Regent’s University London and Global Head of Corporate Citizenship at KPMG International
  • Gina Miller, Founder and Chair, True and Fair Foundation
  • Quentin Peel, Associate Fellow, Chatham House
  • Baroness Shirley Williams, UK Liberal Democrat politician and former adviser to the Prime Minister on nuclear proliferation
  • Sir Graham Boyce, former British Diplomat

and includes

  • Peter Marsden
  • Jane Corbin
  • Professor James Gow 
  • Professor Yossi Mekelberg 
  • Richard Lindley MBE
  • Carole Stone CBE
  • Paul Randolph 
  • Toby Masterton
  • June Sarpong MBE
  • Fatima Zaman
  • Greg Shapland
  • Denis MacShane
  • Yohel Heller
  • Maysa Baransi
  • Students from Regent's University London

Full Summit programme


£75 delegate rate

£35 discount rate (for Concessions and Members of the Tutu Foundation)

Free for all students and staff of Regent's University London.

Two servings of tea/coffee and a finger buffet lunch are included for all registrants.
