Statement from the Vice-Chancellor & CEO, Geoff Smith, regarding the University’s response to COVID-19

Regent’s University London, by embracing the power of digital learning, continues to deliver on its mission of Developing Tomorrow’s Global Leaders.

Professor Geoff Smith
Professor Geoff Smith

Our dedicated Major Incident Management Team has been ensuring the business continuity of our University.  For the rest of 2020, the University’s teaching is being conducted exclusively online. In addition, the vast majority of our staff are working remotely. We have responded to the UK Government’s guidance to discourage large group gatherings and practise social distancing. Even though social distancing isn’t how we usually do things at Regent’s, it’s certainly the right thing for now and we’re going to make the best of our current circumstances.

Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic we continue to uphold our values and deliver on our mission. We develop graduates who are creative, courageous, compassionate, empathetic, and resilient – and that’s more evident now than ever before. These attributes are precisely what we all need in today’s, and tomorrow’s, global leaders.

Graduation 2019
Graduates of Regent's University London

We are teaching our students to never waver in the unquenchable belief that together, we can make the world a better place. The COVID-19 pandemic itself provides lifelong lessons in resilience and resourcefulness. This is the spirit and essence of Regent’s, and while not a situation we would have ever chosen, it will certainly be a learning experience for us all.

Our Major Incident Management Team, supported by teams across the University, has been working diligently to ensure:

  • Continuity of education – we are committed to ensuring our students continue to receive a high-quality education;
  • The health and wellbeing of all staff and students;
  • Regular communication with staff and students;
  • Uninterrupted provision of essential services (Student Services and Support, Student residences, IT, Human Resources, Security, etc).

Though now physically dispersed, we are more connected than ever. Our academics, superbly supported by colleagues in our Academic & Educational Developments team, have worked diligently to digitise all modules and redefine assessment arrangements. The last few weeks of work have been truly inspiring to witness, and it is this spirit that will continue to fuel all of us in the weeks and months ahead.

Our students are our lifeblood, and we remain committed to supporting them in every way we can. I look forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus when it is safe to do so, but until then we should all remain focussed on doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring we continue to take care of ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.

Stay well and look after each other.
