Vice-Chancellor makes salary donation

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on higher education institutions around the world, including Regent’s University London. While the University remains financially secure, actions have been taken to maximise its financial sustainability in both the short and long term.  

As part of these measures, Professor Geoff Smith, Vice-Chancellor and CEO of Regent’s, has announced to staff that he will donate 20% of his monthly salary back to the University, for at least the remainder of Regent’s financial year.

Professor Geoff Smith
Professor Geoff Smith

As a not for profit organisation, the Vice-Chancellor's monthly donations allow the University to claim back an additional 25% through the UK Government’s Gift Aid Scheme.
Professor Smith was keen to emphasise that: ‘I am very proud to lead an extraordinary institution dedicated to excellence and teaching. Although we are a successful University, the profound impact of COVID-19 on the higher education sector, including Regent’s, requires extraordinary measures to maintain our financial sustainability for the long term.

‘Considering the cost saving measures being implemented at Regent’s, I personally wanted to ensure I, too, made a direct contribution.

‘At Regent’s we are confident that the quality of our graduates, and the attributes they will offer to the world as tomorrow’s global leaders, positions us well to navigate the challenges that lie ahead.

‘While COVID-19 generates many uncertainties, the value of a Regent’s education remains clear, and we look forward to delivering on our mission for both our current students, as well as those who will be joining us in the months and years ahead.’

