Outbound FAQs

Take a look through our frequently asked questions – all real queries asked by previous study abroad students. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, get in touch!

Pre-Study Abroad

I'm not studying a programme that's eligible for study abroad. Can I still go abroad?

What dates would I go abroad?

Where can I go?

How do I apply?

When do I find out where I will be going?

Can I change my study abroad terms?

What language will my study abroad term be in?

How many credits do I need to take during my term abroad?

What subjects will I study?

Can I meet other study abroad students or alumni to learn more?

What support do I receive before and during my term abroad?

Will I need a visa?

I am a US citizen in receipt of US federal loans. Does this affect my study abroad?

Do I need health insurance?

Do I need travel insurance?

Where do I live when I am abroad?

Do I apply directly to my allocated host university if I want to study abroad there as an exchange student?

Are there fees involved for study abroad?

I'm concerned about studying abroad

During Study Abroad

Do I have to attend orientation at my host university?

What if I cannot arrive in time?

What if some or all of the modules I chose aren't available after I arrive?

What administrative steps do I need to complete?

Can I resit exams abroad?

What if I feel really down whilst I am abroad?

Post-Study Abroad

Do my results count?

What happens if I fail my term(s) abroad?

Where can I view my results?

What happens to my data regarding study abroad after completion?

Will I be asked to assist with Study Abroad related activities?