Q&A: Filippo Corsini scholar Georgie Pask

Where are you from?
I am from London, England.
What do you study?
I study MA International Fashion Marketing.

How would you describe yourself?
I would describe myself as an ambitious and confident person who is also fun and easygoing. I always like to make sure things are done properly and on time, but I also love to have fun – I think it’s all about finding a good balance. When it comes to polo, I am motivated, conscientious and organised.

georgie pask

Tell us about your polo experience.
I first got into polo at the age of 14 after having done showjumping and dressage as a child. My parents' friends have high goal polo teams, and when we went to watch I used to be allowed to ride the horses to cool them down after a chukka and I just fell in love with the sport!

My favourite thing about polo is the teamwork. Polo requires a lot of teamwork because not only do you have a to maintain a relationship with your team mates but also with your horse and when it works well, I find the feeling of this teamwork extremely rewarding.

How’d you go about applying for the Filippo Corsini Polo Scholarship? I found out about the Filippo Corsini Polo Scholarship via friends at polo one day, so when I went home I decided to look into it further. I saw that the scholarship is designed for undergraduates, but I decided to email Neil Herrington (Head of Student Recruitment) and asked if I would be able to apply – luckily for me he said yes!

The application process was very smooth. After submitting my documents, I was invited in for an interview with Neil and Mel Steingass (Sports Officer), who were both very nice and welcoming. They asked me some questions about polo and what I could bring to the university polo team. A couple of months later, I got an email saying that I had been successful in getting the scholarship – I was very happy and felt honoured and proud. I instantly called my parents to let them know, and then we went for a celebratory dinner!

What makes Regent’s unique?
You really couldn’t ask for a university in a better location! It is such a welcoming environment, and from the moment I arrived I have felt very comfortable. I think what really makes Regent’s stand out is the teachers. My teachers go above and beyond from helping to make sure we understand everything, to getting top industry professionals to talk to us, and for that I am very grateful.

On my course, I am the only student from the UK, which is great as it has allowed me to learn from all of the different experiences that everyone has to share. There are students from America, China, Greece, Italy, India and more. I have already made some great friends that I’m sure will remain friends after I have finished the course.

What’s the best thing about studying in central London?
As I am studying International Fashion Marketing, I really couldn’t ask for a better location. I have some classes at the Marylebone Campus, with many fashion stores right on the doorstep. Central London is also a great place to be social and hang out with friends at some of the best restaurants. 

How many times a week do you train for polo and where? How does this fit in with your studies? 
I try to play at least twice a week – once during the week and once on the weekend, although some weeks I just manage to play the once. I love getting out on the horses in the fresh air – it gives me some time to relax and think.

In February you competed in the SUPA Universities Winter National Championships. Can you tell us about it?
The Schools and Universities Polo Association (SUPA) Winter Nationals takes place once a year at Rugby Polo Club over a four-day period. Universities come from all over the country to compete and this year I was told there were around 190 teams.

There is always a big party on the Saturday night, where each university has their own theme and this year Regent’s chose Après-Ski as a theme, which was very convenient as it was super cold up there! Regent’s took three teams this year; one beginner team and two novice teams. We did very well this time round, with two of the teams placing third, which is a great achievement! For me, the most memorable part of nationals is always the team bonding and camaraderie. It’s so nice to have the rest of the team cheer you on when you are playing.