iCES publications

iCES Occasional Papers

The iCES Occasional Paper series publishes expert position papers by distinguished authors and specialists on European themes. They are published throughout the year.

  • Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES) occasional papers(Print) ISSN 2040-6509
  • Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES) occasional papers(Online) ISSN 2040-6517

1. Learning from the Financial Crisis: Global Imbalances and Lessons for Europe

Gieve, J. Learning from the Financial Crisis: Global Imbalances and Lessons for Europe. iCES Occasional Paper 01, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, 2009 ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 


2. Twenty Years On: The EU Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall 

Brittan, L., Hannay, D., Zielonka, J., SEgroup. Twenty Years On: The EU Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall iCES Occasional Paper 02, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2009) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).


3. Jobs, Innovation and Growth

Monks, J., Cridland, J., Walby, S., Lambert, S. Jobs, Innovation and Growth iCES Occasional Paper 03, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).


4. Where Will the EU's Final Frontiers Lie?

Avery, G., Butler, M., Kent, N., SEE., Where Will the Eu's Final Frontiers Lie? iCES Occasional Paper 04, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 


5. Climate Change Post Copenhagen

Porritt, J., Katz, I., Mehra, M., Luff, P., Climate Change Post Copenhagen. iCES Occasional Paper 05, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 


6. EU and US Relations in the 21st Century

Witney, K., Graffy, C., Jay, M. EU and US Relations in the 21st Century. iCES Occasional Paper 06, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).  


7.  Towards a European Foreign Policy

Graham Avery; Dr Martyn Bond; Sir Brian Crowe; Lord Hannay.Towards a European Foreign Policy: The European External Action Service and the Role of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs & Security. iCES Occasional Paper 06, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).   

8. Business at the Crossroads: UK Issues in a European and Global Economy

John Cridland; Sir John Gieve; Bev Hurley; John Taylor: The Regent's Lecture 2011 Business at the Crossroads: UK Issues in a European & Global Economy, iCES Occasional Paper 08, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College London, (2011) ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 

9. The EU and the Arab Awakening

Lord Hannay; Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles; Hagai M. Segal; Ian Black; Senior European Experts: The EU & the Arab Awakening, iCES Occasional Paper 09, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College London, (2011) ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 

10. The UK in Europe

Sir Colin Budd; Tim Cowen; Will Hutton; Senior European Experts: The UK in Europe, iCES Occasional Paper 10, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College London, (2012) ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). 

11. The Russian Federation and the European Union at the Crossroads

H.E. Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko, Graham Avery CMG, Sergei Arsenyev, Trevor Barton. iCES Occasional Paper 11, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2013) ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).                                                              


12. The UK and Europe: Costs, Benefits, Options

Lord Simon of Highbury, Cornelia Meyer, Dean Carroll, Jacqueline Minor. iCES Occasional Paper 12, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2013). ISSN: 2040-6509 (online).


13. The European Union in the World

Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council; iCES Occasional Paper 13, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2013). ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).                                      


14. The Energy Challenges Facing Europe: What Can the EU Do?

John Kerr, Philip Lowe and Professor John Drew. iCES Occasional Paper 14, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2014). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper).                   


15. The Eastern Challenge to the European Union

Sir Robert Cooper, Quentin Peel, Ivan Volodin. iCES Occasional Paper 15, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2014). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper).                   


16. Priorities for the EU-US Relationship

Ambassador Anthony Gardner Fernando Andresen Guimarães, Martina Bianchini, Sanford Henry. iCES Occasional Paper 16, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2014). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper).                   


17. The UK and the EU: Are There Alternatives to EU Membership?

Graham Avery, Charles Grant, Martin Wolf. iCES Occasional Paper 17, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2015). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper


18. EU Energy Union: What Can We Expect?

Andy Lebrecht, Nick Butler, Stephen Tindale, Dr. Amelia Hadfield. iCES Occasional Paper 18, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2015). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper). 


19. Youth, Employment, Europe and Values

Betty Woodward, Jacqueline Minor, Martin Milburn CBE, Robert Swan OBE. iCES Occasional Paper 19, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2015). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper)


20. The European Digital Single Market

Ann Lambert, Anthony Walker, Eric Célérier, Martin Bailey. iCES Occasional Paper 20, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2015). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper).


21. Democratic Accountability in the European Union

Herman Van Rompuy, Chris Grayling MP, Vicky Pryce, Andy Lebrecht. iCES Occasional Paper 21, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2016). ISSN 2040-6517 (online) and ISSN 2040-6509 (paper).


22. Europe's Neighbours: From Morocco to Moscow

H.E. Simon Smits, Emma Udwin, Graham Avery, Dr Martyn Bond. iCES Occasional Paper 22, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2016). ISSN 2040-6517 (online).


23. Ring of Fire: Instability and Insecurity in the EU's Neighbourhood

Sir Emyr Jones Parry, Dr Kataryna Wolczuk, Michael Lake. iCES Occasional Paper 23, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2016). ISSN 2040-6517 (online).


24. Keeping Europe Safe:the European Union's New Global Security Strategy

Lord Hannay of Chiswick, Dame Mariot Leslie, Professor Michael Clarke. iCES Occasional Paper 24, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's University London (2017). ISSN 2040-6517 (online).


25. Brexit: Options for Britain

Avery, G., Cooper, A. and Rifkind, M. iCES Occasional Paper 25, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent’s University London: London, (2017) ISSN 2040-6517 (online)

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26. The Future of Global Trade

Singham, G, Donnelly, M and Pryce, V. , M. iCES Occasional Paper 26, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent’s University London: London (2019) ISSN 2040-6517 (online)

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27. Dismantling of the Rules-Based Global Order

Schake., K, Robertson, G., Lyall Grant, M., Occasional Paper 27, Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES), Regent’s University London: London 2019, ISSN 2040-6517 (online)

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Specialist Papers

The European Union in 2009 by Daniel Guéguen (Ed.) Clan Public Affairs - ESL & Network Group

Guéguen examines the political priorities and key issues of the European Union in a comprehensive article that provides both a critical and well illustrated approach to understanding the institutional transformations of the European Union and challenges for the Union in 2009.

Contemporary Europe

Contemporary Europe is a compilation of the Institute's activities throughout the year. It contains an editorial review of the year's events in iCES, invited contributions on topical European themes, an overview of iCES partnership links, essays, review articles and book reviews. It is published once a year in the autumn.