Regent's School of Psychotherapy & Psychology Validation

The University Of Wales

The University of Wales validates the following course offered by the School:

  • MPhil/PhD in Psychotherapy & Counselling Studies

This degree is validated and awarded by the University of Wales, UK. For further details regarding the University and its validation services, please log on to or email

The Open University

The Open University validates the following course offered by the School:

About the University of Wales

Founded by Royal Charter in 1893, the University of Wales is the degree-awarding body for a number of higher education students in Wales, as well as for many at other higher education institutions in the United Kingdom and overseas.  To date the University has awarded over 600,000 degrees.

The University’s position enables it to focus not only on its primary functions as a degree-awarding body and provider of services to the Welsh higher education sector but also, as a national institution, on playing an enhanced role in protecting and promoting the economy, culture and language of Wales. 

In October of 2011, the governing bodies of the University of Wales, Swansea Metropolitan University and the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David made a commitment to merge.

The three institutions will work together to create a unified institution under the 1828 Charter of the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David. With a strong student base across several campuses, the University will also offer a range of service facilities on a local, regional, national and international basis.

The transformed University will establish itself as one of the key institutions in Wales delivering high quality learning and research opportunities for students both at home and abroad.

The three institutions have agreed to unify operations at the earliest opportunity with Professor Hughes appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales and Professor Clement as President of the University of Wales with effect from 1 October 2011.

In October of 2011, the governing bodies of the University of Wales, Swansea Metropolitan University and the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David made a commitment to merge.

The three institutions will work together to create a unified institution under the 1828 Charter of the University of Wales: Trinity Saint David. With a strong student base across several campuses, the University will also offer a range of service facilities on a local, regional, national and international basis.

The transformed University will establish itself as one of the key institutions in Wales delivering high quality learning and research opportunities for students both at home and abroad.

The three institutions have agreed to unify operations at the earliest opportunity with Professor Hughes appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Wales and Professor Clement as President of the University of Wales with effect from 1 October 2011.

The University of Wales is the degree-awarding authority for more than 120 other higher education institutions both within the United Kingdom and overseas, with which it also enjoys close links. Annually, the University awards over 10,000 initial degrees and more than 3,000 higher degrees. The number of students, from all over the world, pursuing University of Wales degrees is around 50,000, and their studies cover a wide range of subjects.

The University is a major national institution in Wales.  While it is, of course, committed to helping to fulfil the educational and economic needs of Wales and to supporting its linguistic, cultural, and national heritage, the University is also committed to its international role and to enhancing its standing across the UK and overseas.  As well as its validation role and the international projects undertaken by its Global Academy, the University sponsors a number of cultural initiatives, such as the prestigious University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize, for young writers, which attracts entries from all over the world. 

University Centres and Services

The University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies is a dedicated research centre whose staff are engaged on major multidisciplinary research projects.  Its work has won universal acclaim and it has, in the past two years, attracted two of the largest grants ever made by the Arts and Humanities Research Council to a higher education institution in Wales.  In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise the Centre received the accolade of having 35 per cent of its work rated as "world-leading" and 45 per cent as "internationally excellent".  This result both recognised the exceptional research carried out by its staff and confirmed its status as an international centre of excellence for Welsh and Celtic Studies.

The University of Wales Press was set up by Statute of the University in 1922.  Within its educational mission it publishes dictionaries and reference works, as well as books for schools and for students.  It also aims to promote the development and expansion of Welsh culture through academic and educational publishing both in the Welsh language, and on Welsh topics in English.  Joint publication ventures are undertaken with national bodies in Wales, as well as with University Presses in North America.

Gregynog, the University’s study and conference centre in the Welsh countryside, is held in trust by the University under the terms of the will of the late Miss Margaret S Davies.  Standing in 750 acres of gardens and woodland, it provides residential accommodation for up to 100 people, and can host non-residential conferences for up to 200 people.  Gregynog’s primary purpose is to be a study and conferencing facility for university staff and students, but it also provides a commercial conference and hospitality service, as well as hosting an annual classical music festival.

University of Wales Alumni Association

Every student who has successfully completed a Degree, Diploma or Certificate awarded by the University of Wales is entitled to become a member of the University of Wales Alumni Association. Forming a valuable social and professional network, University of Wales alumni can be found in wide-ranging professions all over the world. In recognising the University’s alumni as its ambassadors, the organisation’s Mission Statement emphasises two focal points: the fostering of close communication for all the University’s alumni with the University, with other organisations and each other; and the provision of services and opportunities for co-operation between institution-based alumni services, and for the world-wide promotion of each institution.

For more information, visit the University of Wales website –

About the Open University

The OU was established by Royal Charter in 1969 and currently offers almost 600 courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Over 250,000 people study with the OU, including more than 20,000 students studying overseas. Since its creation, the OU has taught more than 1.6 million students and is consistently one of the highest ranked UK universities in the National Student Survey.

OU approval and validation is a stamp of quality that guarantees the international currency of your qualification. OU validated awards have parity of esteem with the awards offered throughout UK Higher Education. A validated Award is exactly the same as an OU direct Award in terms of employment or application for postgraduate study.

The School of Psychotherapy & Psychology, as part of Regent’s University London, is approved by The Open University as an appropriate organisation to offer Higher Education programmes leading to Open University Validated Awards.

The DPsych Counselling Psychology has been developed and will be delivered by the School of Psychotherapy & Psychology. They have been validated through a process of external peer review by The Open University as being of an appropriate standard and quality to lead to The Open University validated award of DPsych Counselling Psychology.

For further information about The Open University and its validation services, please visit The Open University website.