Isabelle Sieb

Screenwriting & Producing alumna

Since graduating from Regent's in 2013, Isabelle has already worked as the lead director on Sky One’s The Athena, BBC One’s hit show Shetland and the high-profile BBC One drama Vigil

Testimonial: Isabelle Sieb

Headshot of Isabelle

She was also selected as one of five directors for Creative England’s iShorts+ Funny Girls scheme, in partnership with Big Talk and Babycow Productions, with her film Three Women Wait for Death. The film won the Chris Collins Best of British Live Action award at the Oscar – and BAFTA-qualifying Encounters Film Festival 2016, and was long listed for the Best British Short Film BAFTA 2017.

'What I loved – and learned from the most – during my time at Regent’s was their philosophy: “you get as much out of it as you are willing to put in”. Nobody forces you to put in the extra hours, but we had the facilities and guidance available to us to experiment and reach our full potential as filmmakers. The film & TV industry works in the same way. The more work you put in, the more doors will open.

‘I met a wonderful, internationally diverse group of people at Regent’s that I know will be lifelong friends. All of them are now following their own paths in the industry but I’m certain I will collaborate with again in the future.

‘There is no secret to success in the film & TV industry. You just have to work harder than anyone else you know! You have to have confidence in yourself – even when it’s hard, you have to keep going.’

Watch Isabelle’s final year project College Romance – The Musical

College Romance – The Musical

College Romance - The Musical from Isabelle Sieb on Vimeo.