Kosara Dangić Melentijević

International Business alumna

Kosara is an international business alumna and the co-founder of Kabinet Brewery, the first ever craft beer brewery in Serbia. 

Testimonial: Kosara Dangić Melentijević

Kosara talking at a panel event

Kosara and her husband opened Kabinet Brewery in 2014. Since opening, they have developed 80 different beer styles and collaborated with famous brewers including Danish Mikkeller, De Molen and Canediguerra. For four years running, three of their beers have been voted the best beer in Serbia. They have also won the award for the best start-up in Serbia, and have been nominated for the Ernst and Young entrepreneur of the year award. 

‘I love my work. It is such a great feeling creating a business from scratch and watching it grow. We are now a team of 14. I develop the strategy and marketing, while my husband works in the production and finance side.’

‘I chose Regent’s because it was very business-orientated. I already had a sense that one day I would like to start my own business. Regent’s really helped prepare me for today’s competitive global environment and real life obstacles.’

Kosara talking at a panel event

‘Running a company is simultaneously a challenge and source of joy. You need to truly love your line of industry. At times, it will be demanding, so you really need to believe in your product. You must undertake in-depth research, choose your partners and team players carefully and – most importantly – have a clear vision.’