Željana Švonja

MA International Relations alumna

Željana studied both her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Regent's. She now works as an assistant producer for a Serbian TV company.

Testimonial: Željana Švonja

Željana Švonja at graduation with Paul Ryan

Željana decided to move to London and study at Regent’s after hearing her family’s experiences of studying at the University. 

‘My family’s experiences of Regent’s really impacted my decision to move to London and start my journey at this University. After finishing my undergraduate studies at Regent’s, I decided to undertake my Master’s degree here as well. It was the best decision I made, and great experience which I will cherish forever!’

‘The lives of everyone living in the Balkans have been impacted by politics and international relations. I wanted to understand why these conflicts happened and how can we move forward and make a better future for all everyone living there.’

‘I could not think of a better place to study international relations than at Regent’s, where students and teachers come from all around the world. Meeting so many people from all around the world really expanded my horizons and has helped me to understand people better.’

‘Now, wherever I travel, I know at least one person from that city – not literally – but it’s not far from the truth! I think I'll really benefit from this more in the future.’

‘I'm very happy and thankful that I had a chance to study in London. It’s probably the best city in the world to spend your early 20’s!’