Zein Oweis

Zein Oweis

'Regent’s offers a home, and a family, away from home.'

Alumna, Zee Oweis, now a doctoral student in Scotland, shares her memories of Regent's and how it prepared her to 'stand out in internships, fellowships in the US and the UK and, later, my first fulltime job in Jordan.'

Zee studied Liberal Studies (Media & Communications) at Regent's – immersing herself in new cultures, taking advantage of exciting opportunities and joining a close-knit student network. 'I chose a university and a course that made me happy and provided me with the practical skills needed to take the next step in my professional development.'

The teaching, by industry experts such as American novelist and creative writing expert, Catherine Davidson, and as trans-Atlantic journalist, Leslie Viney, brought real-world experience into the classroom. 'Thanks to the different modules taught by esteemed professionals, I was able to experience an inclusive journalistic experience. I learned writing and interviewing techniques for all forms of journalism, including both print and digital media.'

It was Zee’s undergraduate thesis that lead her to her PhD research topic, which she is now working on at the University of Glasgow. 'Regent's gave me the stepping stone I needed to decide on my research focus. My goal post-doc is to become a professor in the fields of digital media and disability studies – teaching the next generation of youth.'

As a disabled student herself, Zee notes that 'when it came to choosing my university, the priority was finding somewhere that was accessible and would make me feel at home. That's how Regent’s felt for me. It prides itself on equality, diversity and inclusion. I hope that by becoming a professor myself, teaching our youth and sharing my life experiences of being visually impaired, I can change negative mindsets into positive ones.'

'Adapting to new environments was one of the most valuable lessons I learned during my time at Regent’s. Moving to a new country and living away from home with a disability for the first time can be daunting, but living in the dorms at Regent’s gave me the opportunity to adapt to not only living on my own in a new city but also the opportunity to adapt to different cultures and mindsets.'

The most important piece of advice Zee shares is to 'focus on the skills that make you unique and stand out in the world, make friends, develop connections and enrich your network. You never know where that connection or friendship will take you.'

'Looking back, my favourite memory was giving the graduation speech as valedictorian – surrounded by family and friends, toasting to our success and our futures. Being a visually impaired valedictorian was an honour!'