British Library advisory panel appoints Regent's lecturer

Regent's Senior Art History Lecturer, Julia Weiner, was recently selected to be on an advisory panel for an exciting exhibition at the British Library, which showcases ancient manuscripts written in Hebrew to illuminate the history, culture and traditions of Jewish people around the world. 

The exhibition, Hebrew Manuscripts – Journeys of the Written Word, brings together some 40 manuscripts written with Hebrew letters that illuminate the history, culture and traditions of Jewish people from all around the world over many years. 

Julia Weiner is an art and design historian with extensive experience of teaching in museums and galleries. She has worked in this field for over 20 years and has been teaching a range of courses at Regent's University London for over ten years.  

She also works at the Victoria & Albert Museum and is the art critic of the Jewish Chronicle. Additionally, she is a freelance curator and has co-curated two exhibitions for the Jewish Museum London. She also curates exhibitions for the Knapp Gallery at Regent’s University London. 

The exhibition at the British Library is open until April 2021.
