Be like the band: Lockdown lessons from the Titanic

Vanessa Hoffmann is a BA (Hons) Global Management (Leadership and Management) and BaM Undergraduate Student Council President. She offers some thoughtful words to help us get through the crisis. 

This article is part of our new series, Regent's Review: thoughts, research and academic discussion on the rapidly unfolding pandemic.

Do you remember when the Titanic was sinking, and the band continued to play? Well, in this case, we need to be the band.

The abrupt outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a rise in difficult emotions such as confusion, anxiety, doubt and stress. Being isolated in lockdown is hard on everybody, but let’s try and see the bright side of this pandemic.

It is important to set our focus on LIFE! Quarantine is a great opportunity to slow down, improve relationships and take care of our mental wellbeing. Let’s use this time to reflect and build a strong social cohesion by spending as much time possible with family, loved ones and pets. Use your excess time as an opportunity to experiment and do the things you otherwise wouldn’t have time for.

Reorganize your closet, try out recipes, catch up on Netflix series, learn a new language, get the summer body you have always wanted with home workouts, relax, start the business plan of your startup, and – most importantly – finish your assignments. 

Once we get through this challenging time, our lives will change. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need to appreciate and enjoy every second with our friends, and simple activities such as dinner at a restaurant, going for a run or attending lectures in person. 

We will come out of quarantine with a new perception on life and we should give this situation the chance to redefine our values and social cohesion.

Seize the moment and enjoy every single second!

This article was originally published by Regent's Student Union.
