Celebrating talent and diversity at the annual staff conference

Last week saw Regent’s staff come together to celebrate the talent and diversity across the University in a day of reflection, diversity and of course – fun, including workshops demonstrating staff’s hidden talents, and Day in the Life accounts of different departments.

Staff Conference 2018

This year’s theme focused around the diversity of our colleagues and the breadth of nationalities right under our nose. A number of staff were also presented with awards including an award for Innovation, Excellence in Teaching and Long Service.

Elias Boukrami, Associate Director of Regent’s Centre for Transnational Studies who won two awards on the day - Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Leadership and Management, said of his double achievement: 'I was so honoured, privileged and overwhelmed to receive a double award at Regent’s 2018 Annual Staff Conference.

'My gratefulness and thanks go to all my University fellow colleagues and management who nominated, shortlisted and voted for me. The same recognition goes to our students, knowledge seekers and learners who are the main driver and the key source of our motivation to deliver this distinguished, noble and unique service called Education.'

Sports and Activities Officer and Student Engagement Manager Mel Steingass and Cecilia Chavez together won the award for Innovation, for the launch of the Be Active programme – a scheme providing free and engaging sports activities on campus for our students.

Mel said: 'We are really pleased with the success of the Be Active programme this year with our students. We are already looking at ways that we can improve the programme, to make sure we are offering more engaging activities that are free, fun and on campus for students to take part in.'

Cecilia concluded: 'We felt extremely honoured to receive this special recognition. We could not have done it without all the support and enthusiasm of our staff at Regent’s. Special thanks to everybody involved in the launch and implementation of the Be Active programme over the last year.'

Guests talking at Regent's Annual Staff Conference

Speaking on behalf of the IT Department, who were presented with the award for Outstanding Team Contribution, Chief Technology Officer Zubair Fakir commented: 'For the department to have been nominated for a number of years, and finally to win, is testament to the hard work and dedication that has now been recognised by our colleagues – it feels brilliant!'

Our security contractors also snapped up an award for excellent Customer Service Delivery. On behalf of his team, Head of Security Chris Shane said: 'Having been a contractor for many years it is not always the norm to be included in such great achievements and therefore being treated as one big family.

'It was a truly great moment to be stood on a stage in front of so many people being presented an award for a certain service recognised, and voted for by staff members.'

A well-deserved congratulations go to all colleagues who won an award at the Staff Conference and a thank you to the hard-work of all Regent’s staff – you have all contributed to make this year great!
