Prepared for anything: this pandemic will create a new type of student

Natalie Wong, a Year 3 BA (Hons) Fashion Design with Marketing student, was born in Hong Kong, grew up in the US and now lives in London. She’s currently creating her final-year fashion collection while in lockdown. 

This article is part of our new series, Regent's Review: thoughts, research and academic discussion on the rapidly unfolding pandemic.

'My whole degree as a fashion student is practical, and this presents a real challenge when working from home. 

'Our tutors and lecturers are always there for us – whenever I send a text or email, they’ll reply. We’re all in this together. 

'I’m trying to get everything sewn as much as I can. When we’re on campus, we have assistants and pattern helpers who assist with our collections, but right now our access to assistance is limited. 

'I don’t have a machine at home, but we’re lucky enough to be able to borrow equipment from Regent’s. Mine doesn’t have a light built in, but I’ve ordered a headlamp and that’s working for me! I’m also really thankful for online shopping because I’ve been breaking and ordering a lot of needles!

'My family in Hong Kong have been affected by the pandemic, and also by the protests that have been happening on and off for the past year. They’ve told me that everyone in Hong Kong has come together in solidarity – everyone is putting in a lot of good measures, and the number of people affected is quite low compared with other parts of the world. 

'We’ll always be known as the class who worked through COVID-19. It’s a challenge, but it’s one that will teach us skills for the future. Hopefully now we’re going through this, we’ll be prepared for anything!'
