Regent's invited to participate in Energy Trading Competition 2018

Following an invitation from ESCP Europe, London, three teams from Regent’s University London will battle it out for top spot in the Energy Trading Competition 2018.

A financial trading simulation held on the ESCP Europe campus on February 22 and 23, the competition, aimed at MSc-level students with a competency in analysing and trading in energy markets, will encompass two full days of comprehensive market analysis and trading.

Energy Trading Challenge

Accompanied by Dr Elias Boukrami, Head of Programmes for MSc Oil and Gas and MSc Finance, Regent's students will compete against the UK’s top universities, including LSE, LBS, Imperial College, and the University of Oxford, amongst others.

The event will be attended also by top city recruiters and executives from the world’s leading energy trading firms. The winning team will have the opportunity to interview with a leading energy trading firm.

The fast-paced simulation will provide students with a range of professional tools and hedging strategies at their dispense to take on the dynamic market. The students look confident entering into the competition, following a booster session with Amplify Trading, led by William de Lucy, MD.

The final preparation session for the Regent's teams was attended by the Dean of the Business and Management Faculty, Professor Michael Luger who presented his support and encouragement to the Teams.

Representing Regent's, the three teams are as follows:

Team 1: Point Blanc 
Karim Henide (Captain) (BA Global Financial Management)
Hussein Abdulridha Hussein Al Ezerij (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
Zakarya Attar (MSc Finance)
Luca Ilacqua (BA Global Financial Management)

Team 2: Regent’s Traders
Ibrahim Bah (Captain) (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
Amelia Condure (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
Vid Ivanisevic (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)

Team 3: Regency Super Traders 
Leonardo Guitierrez (Captain) (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
Stefan Skrbic (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
Anna Miskovic (MSc Oil and Gas Trade Management)
