Summer design challenges imagine a post-COVID world

This summer, Regent’s Interior Design students were challenged to consider life, work and play through the lens of COVID-19 – and, with design, represent how the world has changed.  

The pandemic has caused a seismic shift in how people move about the world. It’s likely that the changes we’re making to our lives now will continue well into the future as we establish new patterns, in what has been termed ‘the new normal’.  

Students were invited to submit a concept each week that explored a different theme relating to the pandemic.

Senior Lecturer, Sophie Ungerer commented on the students’ submissions: 'We were really excited by the range and quality of responses we received from the students which tackled everything from the future of shopping in the pandemic, to an optimistic vision how we might develop a more harmonic balance with the environment,’ she said.  

‘It was great to see that this group of future designers is engaging so thoughtful and inventive with the challenges that the pandemic is imposing on us as designers in today’s world,’ she finished. 

See a selection of students’ responses below.
