Watch 'Without Christina', Sofia Mellander's award-winning graduation film

Regent’s University London alumna Sofia Mellander won a Royal Television Society (RTS) award for her graduation film Without Christina earlier in the year, and now's your chance to watch it.

Without Christina is a film very close to Sofia's heart - a moving documentary about her grandfather reflecting upon his life, the death of his wife and his thoughts towards euthanasia.

Sofia Mellander with her award at the Royal Television Society Awards
Sofia Mellander with her Royal Television Society award

The award, for Craft Skills – Camera, is the first ever RTS award won by a student of Regent’s and came as quite a surprise, says the 2017 graduate of BA (Hons) Film, TV & Digital Media Production: “For some reason I thought the award winners would have been notified in advance of the event, so I trotted over to ITV looking to drink some wine and enjoy a bit of networking.

“When Without Christina was called out, I could actually feel my face becoming bright red, as I wobbled over to receive the trophy. All in all, one of the more brilliant nights I've had.

“My grandfather (the star of Without Christina) is especially excited because he's hosting a screening of the film at his retirement home later this month, and can now finally say it's an award winning piece!”

Kenneth Fero, Lecturer in Directing, lauded Mellander’s courage in working on something so close to home.

"Sofia showed great insight and bravery for tackling this documentary. She turned her camera on those close to her and discovered a world of emotion, love and poetic imagery.

“Throughout her three years with us she showed humanity and an ability to produce powerful and moving documentary work, so this award is well deserved."

A brilliant achievement for Mellander, Course Leader for BA (Hons) Film, TV & Digital Media Production, Tristan Tull, believes it's the first in a long line of awards for Regent's graduates.

“This is the first time Regent’s University London has been engraved on an RTS award, we are confident it will not be the last.”

Still from award-winning documentary Without Christina