An open letter from Dr Elias Boukrami

As you are all aware, the world is facing a situation that, just a couple of months ago, no one could have realistically understood the impacts of. The emerging threat and challenges of COVID-19 are new, unique, dynamic, fast moving, and extremely complex.

Every individual has a certain equity in their organisation, in their community, in their nation and in this global world. I am but a modest stakeholder of our modern institution, and I am proud to be in direct touch with the future through our key value proposition of ‘developing tomorrow's global leaders’.

Dr Elias Boukrami
Dr Elias Boukrami

As a Regent's academic, I felt a sense of duty to seize this historic opportunity to show some modest financial solidarity with my community, as we face this global threat and challenge, together.

More importantly I wanted to follow the examples set by our Vice-Chancellor & CEO, Professor Geoff Smith, and our Chair of the Board of Trustees, Dr Diana Walford CBE, and so I too, have decided to donate to this institution, which to me, is paramount.

Giving back to our community and society and sharing our wealth and knowledge with others, generates a unique perpetual pleasure which creates a magical value that only increases over time. There are many ways to contribute to and celebrate the impact of our community - a donation being just one of them.

I am asking from the bottom of my heart: that, as fellow Regent's family members - Senior Honorary Fellows, Trustees, Alumni, Colleagues, Partners and Friends - you take this opportunity to join me in the pleasure of showing solidarity with Regent’s.

If we stand together, we shall emerge, and emerge stronger.

Stay safe and well.

Dr Elias Boukrami - Head of Programmes/Principal Lecturer in Banking and Finance.

Please follow this link on how to support Regent’s, or speak to the Development & Alumni Relations team: or 0207 487 7476.
