A film production student, Luis Adam Garcia, has worked with streaming service Hulu to write and produce a couple of short films for their Huluween series.
Luis, who wrote Hulu’s short film Special Delivery, was also Associate Producer on the film Eye Exam. He commented on the development of the ideas:
'I took an interesting class on producing at Regent’s, which led to a fruitful internship with Jack Tarling and Shudder Films. After that, Jack offered us a few opportunities, one of which was a 20th Digital Studio (formerly Fox Digital) brief looking to commission a series of two-minute short films to air on Hulu during the Halloween season.
‘The brief came when I was deep in the heart of lockdown and my ideas were about as plentiful as my outdoor activities. But, day after day, I watched delivery drivers zip up and down the road to deliver food. This got me thinking about the people that are risking their health to deliver food to those of us that can afford to stay safely locked away in our houses.'
Luis wrote up his idea and pitched it to Jack Tarling, who worked with a director to get it to air. He said:
‘It was a really great experience and it hasn’t stopped just yet; we are sending the shorts out to festivals now.’
You can watch the films on YouTube:
Special Delivery: Written by Luis Adam Garcia, directed by John McPhail, produced by Jack Tarling
Eye Exam: Written by Jack Tarling, directed by Aislinn Clarke, produced by Jack Tarling, associate produced by Luis Adam Garcia.
Updated 30/03/2021
Since the initial streaming, Special Delivery, has been shortlisted at Glasgow Short Film Festival, Venice Shorts, Assurdo Film Festival and Short. Sweet. Film Fest.